Friday, December 25, 2009

Saturday Ride 12/26

Anyone riding Saturday morning? If so, what time. Just checking.


Monday, December 14, 2009

2nd Annual Reindeer Ride


And you can see all the photos on Don and Dana's Flickr page.

Merry Christmas! Hope Santa brings you that new bike on your list.

Friday, December 11, 2009

12/12 Saturday Ride

The Saturday ride is in limbo this week. Bron and I are considering participating in the reindeer ride, which now starts at 10:00, so we would need to head out at 8:00. However, the temperature and wind forecast is looking prohibitive for a 8:00 start (temps around 15 and winds around 20). Top it all off with icy road shoulders and it's not looking good.

If you are dead set on braving the cold and the wind or if you are interested in riding on Sunday instead, post a comment with your thoughts or drop me an email.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Novare Res Gathering 12/10/09

6pm gathering of the politburo at Novare Res in Portland. Who's going?? Come join us for some holiday cheer! Dana

Friday, December 4, 2009

Reindeer/Santa Ride 12/12

Santa is looking for a few good reindeer! I was wondering if anyone would like to participate in a second annual Reindeer Ride on Sat, Dec 12th. I am thinking of meeting at BBB at 11:00 AM so we can don antlers and such and then we can ride around the Back Cove and into the Old Port and where ever our hearts desire! Please let me know if you are interested! I already have a few folks that have answered my discussion board post, but not nearly enough for a full team! I would also be happy to relinquish my "Santa" role for a reindeer (though I did put on some weight this year...). If anyone would like to possibly help out with a music source, that would also be great!



12/5 Saturday Ride (Updated)

We will meet at the shop at 9:00 tomorrow morning and head out up Mountain Rd. and over through Cumberland (MapMyRide route).


Is anyone interested in riding tomorrow morning?

Of the three comments responding to my post below, it appears that nobody is available.

If you are planning to ride, please post a comment so I can make a call as to whether there will be a ride. Thanks.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Saturday Ride

I have had a few conversations with folks about the fate of the Saturday ride now that winter is almost upon us. There seems to be interest in riding for as long as the roads are clear and there also seems to be support for shifting the ride to a "base-building" ride of approximately 1.5 - 2 hours at a relatively low intensity. Please post your comments or email me directly with your input on whether you would like the ride to continue as long as the weather permits and whether you would be interested in transitioning to more of a base building ride.

In addition to the format of the ride, we are also wondering about the start time. 8:00 is great because it keeps the ride from consuming the entire morning. However, it's a bit chilly at 8:00 these days, so if you have a preference for an 8:30 or even a 9:00 start, let us know.

This Saturday I am planning to leave from the shop at 8:00. It looks to be chilly but otherwise great for riding. Unless there are objections, I was thinking that we would follow one of the standard rides up Mountain Rd. and through Cumberland (MapMyRide route).

Friday, November 13, 2009

Saturday Morning Ride?

Anyone up for riding at 8am tomorrow?

C: 776-1453

Thursday, November 5, 2009

11/7 Saturday Ride

The Saturday ride will be going out again this week, leaving the shop at the usual time. Rather than posting a planned route, we are open to your suggestions. Please post a comment and let us know where you would like to go.

Friday, October 30, 2009

10/31 Saturday Ride

There will be a Saturday ride again this week. We will plan to do the loop that got washed out with the bad weather last week (MapMyRide route).

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Anyone riding Saturday morning?

Thursday, October 22, 2009

10/24 Saturday Ride

This weekend we will plan on heading out through Falmouth and Westbrook (MapMyRide route).

Right now the weather is calling for rainy and cold on Saturday. If that isn't your thing and you want to make sure you get out for a good ride this weekend, you should consider showing up for the metric century starting at the Lion's Pride parking lot. Details are in the post below.


When: Sunday October 25
Start Time 10AM

Start Point: Lion’s Pride park lot
On North side of Route One, Brunswick
at Corner of River Rd and Pleasant St [Rte One]

Hosts/Tour Guides: Greg Fisher and Russ Boisvert

Metric Century ride starting and finishing at Lion Pride’s parking lot. Will head to Bath via Bike Path. Then over Kennebec River and up east side of Kennebec via Rte 128 to Dresden Mills and BLINN HILL [climb of the day and great views]. Then we head back via Kelley RD, Rte 27 and 128, over Kennebec River at Richmond. Back to Brunswick via Ridge and Cathance Roads. Then convene at Lion’s Pride for lunch and Belgium brews: yes, the NFL will be on the big screens. This ride will have the ambience of a Belgium spring classic--- Blinn Hill is a special place, and off the beaten path.

Questions/concerns/ weather updates call Russ at 807 6267 or Greg at 232 6871

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Great Osprey Bike Challenge

In the event you are going to participate in the Great Osprey bike race on November 1st in Freeport and there is an after race party to warm up with hot drinks and lunch, hosted by Melissa. All welcome, kids too. (Bring a dish to share so there is enough food for everyone.) Address is 10 Cranberry Ridge (first house on right), just off Wolf Neck Road in Freeport. Phone (207) 749-3140.

Info on the race:
The 11th Annual Great Osprey Bike Challenge
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Our mixed course of tar and gravel will challenge riders of all levels. Enjoy the beautiful surroundings of the 4.4 mile race (1-lap) or the more challenging 22 mile course (5-laps). Pack your parka, this race goes rain or shine. Proceeds benefit the FRCE Scholarship Fund. This race is not USCS sanctioned and all bikes must be in sound mechanical condition.
Location: Wolfe’s Neck Farm, 184 Burnett Road, Freeport (visit for directions)
Time: Race begins @ 10:00AM SHARP!!
Course: Mixed course consisting of tar and gravel roads.
Entry Fee: $15.00 – Payable to Freeport Recreation & Community Education
Mail registration w/payment to FRCE, 17 West Street, Freeport ME, 04032
For questions, please call us at 207-865-6171

10/17 Saturday Ride

This week we will be heading up to Gray via Mountain Rd. and Dutton Hill and then heading back via Yarmouth (MapMyRide route). The route is approximately 42 miles and the weather will be chilly, so be sure to prepare accordingly. We will head out from the shop at the usual time - just after 8:00 - so you will certainly need warm attire. n addition, make sure you have a source of calories (sports drink, gels, energy bars, etc.). With some luck, the rain will hold off until the afternoon.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Columbus Day Ride

Several people from this week's Saturday ride were thinking of heading out for a ride tomorrow morning. Let's plan to meet at the shop at 9:00. Hopefully the extra time will give the sun a chance to warm things up a bit. Rather than posting a route, we will pick something before we leave. Feel free to email me if you have any questions or comments.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

10/10 Saturday Ride

This week we will be trying a new route through Yarmouth and Cumberland, with the added touch that we will be going down Mountain Rd. (MapMyRide route). This route is a touch longer than our usual route at just over 40 miles, so please come prepared. As always, we will leave from the shop at or just after 8:00.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

10/3 Saturday Ride Cancelled

Due to conflicts that make the leaders unavailable and a sketchy weather forecast, this week's Saturday ride is cancelled.

2009 Saturday Ride Routes

Below is a recap of where we have gone on this season's Saturday rides. Whether your looking for a good ride to do on your own or trying to figure out exactly how many times we made you head up Mountain Road, hopefully you will find this list useful.

9/26 -- Brunswick
9/19 -- Prout's Neck
8/29 -- Washout
8/22 -- Cousin's Island
8/1 -- no map
7/18 -- Brunswick
7/4 -- no map
5/23 -- Prout's Neck

CCCP End of Season Bash

The CCCP End of Season Bash will take place at 6:00 pm until whenever on Wednesday, October 7 in the upstairs lounge at Rivalries Sports Pub and Grill. This party is open to all of you who ride the weekly rides, not just to CCCP club members, so please stop by and say hello.

Rivalries is located on Cotton Street in the Old Port, next to UNA Wine Bar and near Brian Boru's. There will be plenty of food provided by the club, so please come and bring your significant other.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

9/26 Saturday Ride

There will be two options to chose from on the Saturday ride this weekend. The first route will be a longer ride up through the Freeport/Brunswick area (MapMyRide route), while the second route will be a 25-35 mile loop that includes Cumberland and Falmouth. Both rides will roll out together at the usual usual time and head down Middle Rd. Once we get to Cumberland, we will regroup and give people the option to pick a route.

The weather is currently predicting a classic fall day - sunny in the low 60s - so make sure you plan appropriately as it is likely to be a little chilly as we head out. Also, for those of you planning to do the longer ride, don't forget to bring sufficient water and some form of food (gel, energy bars, etc.).

Monday, September 21, 2009

Newletter 9/21


Starting Thursday, 9/24, all rides will depart Back Bay Bicycle at 5pm through the remainder of the season. However, tonight’s Monday night ride (9/21) will depart at 5:30.

Greg Fisher will host the last après ride of the season tonight at 10 Belmeade Road, just a couple blocks from the shop. All are welcome to attend.


We would like to split next year’s Monday night rides into two groups for safety reasons and to offer a moderately paced ride to those that are interested. (A-group will remain the same pace and the B-group will be a bit slower and more modertately paced.) In doing so, we are looking for a couple ride leaders that would be willing to help out with this ride. It's fun and not difficult - just be willing to show up on a fairly regular basis and make sure that everyone regoups where needed. If you have any questions or are interested, please contact Kris Clark, Dana McEwan, or Richard Hutchins.


The club has collected $800 for Robert Anderson’s family. This money will be donated to Changing Tides, which will then flow to the family. There is still time to contribute if you are interested. You can send a tax deductible donation/check to CCCP, c/o Kris Clark, 129 Emery Street, Portland, ME 04102 or directly to Changing Tides, 772 Island Ave, Long Island, ME 04050. (If mailing it to the latter, you can specify that the donation is for the family of Robert Anderson.) Kris will be mailing all funds collected to Changing Tides on October 1st, along with a donation from the club’s account.


We are still searching for a location for the end of season party. If anyone is interested in hosting, please contact Kris (775-0356). Please know that all food and beverages will be provided by the club, you would just provide the location.

Other options include having the event at a local bar/restaurant or at Kris’s house. Any thoughts on these options can be sent to Kris as well.


Don't forget to join the CCCP Google Group as a great way to stay in touch with your cycling friends on the fly. It's free and easy to join, allowing for improptu information and discussions to be generated among members. Check it out:!

Friday, September 18, 2009

9/19 Saturday Ride

Now that we are heading out of summer and into fall, we are hoping to take advantage of the cooler weather to do some slightly longer rides. This weekend we will stick to the general tone of the Saturday rides and do the Prout's Neck loop (MapMyRide route). However, starting next week we are going to try to toss in some longer rides now that most people have a full summer of riding in their legs.

Next weekend - Sept. 26 - we will plan to head up toward Brunswick (MapMyRide route). We had a small group when we did this ride back in mid-summer on a cold rainy day. Hopefully the weather will be a little more cooperative this time and we will get a better turnout. The route is approximately 62 miles and we will plan to stop for water around mile 42 (the Bow St. store). For those of you that rarely stretch yourselves beyond the 30-40 mile rides, don't forget to bring enough fluid and a little something to eat (gel or a solid food).

If you have a favorite ride that you would like us to consider for the coming weeks, please drop us an email or leave a comment. Also, we would be curious to know whether people would consider driving to the start of a ride rather than leaving from the shop. Not that we don't have nice biking here in Portland, but, if you are like me, a change of scenery would be welcome.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

9/12 Saturday Ride

This week the Saturday ride will head back over toward Falmouth (MapMyRide route). To be blunt, last week was a train wreck. We had flats, people took wrong turns and we even lost riders. I'm not ready to pin the problems on the fact that we tried a new route that was unfamiliar to most of the group, but that certainly didn't help matters. Hopefully this week's jaunt through more familiar territory will help get things back on track.

If this will be your first time joining the Saturday ride, please take a look at the ride description.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Dempsey Challenge Update

The Dempsey Challenge has been capped at 3500 riders with approximately 2400 signed up. If you haven't registered yet, and plan to do so, you might consider registering soon:

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

9/5 Saturday Ride

After a complete washout last weekend, we will once again try to head over toward Gorham (MapMyRide route).

If this will be your first Saturday ride, please check out the description of the CCCP Saturday ride.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

No Sunday Ride

It doesn't look like there's any interest in a ride tomorrow morning, so there won't be an organized ride leaving at 8:00. If anyone wants to informally get together for a ride, feel free to email me.


Well, this week's Saturday ride was a bit of a washout. However, if at least three other people are interested, I could be convinced to take another shot at the ride we had planned for this week tomorrow morning.

Please leave a comment below if you would like to head out. The plan would be to leave the shop at 8:00 and do 34 miles through Westbrook, Gorham and Scarborough (MapMyRide route).

Based on the response, I will update this post by 6:00 pm tonight and state whether the ride is on.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

8/29 Saturday Ride

In order to avoid the inevitable mutiny that would ensue if we planned another ride up Mountain Road, this week we will be heading in the opposite direction and tromping through Westbrook and Gorham (MapMyRide route).

It looks to be much cooler and perhaps a bit wet this Saturday. However, unless it is really raining, the ride will go.

If you are new to the Saturday ride, you can check out the CCCP Saturday ride description.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Saturday Morning Ride 8/22

    This week the Rob will be taking the reins for the Saturday ride. Owen, you weren't there to defend yourself, so we voted you in as co-leader!

    Rob wanted to go to Cousins Island and, unfortunately, there's no way to do that in less than 37 miles (or doing an out-and-back) without using Rte 88. This road is still fairly beaten up in many areas so if you really want to do this, people need to be spread out on 88 and not follow in tight formation (not that this has been a problem recently!)

    Alternatively, there's the Woodsville/Blanchard/Mountain route, which will allow everyone the pleasure of bombing DOWN Mountain Road. Check your brakes often.

    If this will be your first time joining the Saturday ride, or if you are just looking for more detail on these rides, check out the Saturday ride description.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Clinic for New Group Riders - September 6th, 2009

Hi All,

Many of you know Stephanie Chase and that she has been putting on some cycling clinics for people desiring to hone their bike riding skills, especially as it applies to group riding.

Her next clinic will be a 4.5 hour clinic on September 6th that will include a lunch break. She plans to set the costs on a sliding scale in the hopes of getting the completely full (it's currently half full) and making it affordable so that all of those that need it will take it. She hopes this clinic will attract both men and women alike who take cycling seriously as part of the athletic endeavors AND as a safety issue in learning to ride correctly.
So the sliding scale is beneficial to word of mouth in trying to get people enrolled. Here's the layout:
1-10 riders $45.00
11-15 riders $40.00
16-20 riders $35.00
Here is the basic format of the clinic:
Opening Discussion/meet & greet 20 minutes
Pacelining/drafting/gearing 60 minutes
Discussion 10 minutes
Climbing Technique/gearing 60 minutes
Lunch Break 30 minutes
Accelerations/Bridging/Moving Up 60 minutes
Cornering/Discussion 30 minutes

For more information, feel free to contact Stephanie by either emailing her at or phoning her at (207) 939-6934.

Stephanie is a licensed cycling coach, certified personal trainer, and Cat 2 racer for Team International/Global Energy Cycling Team out of Boston, MA. She brings a lot of cycling knowledge and personal experience to these clinics. I personally have had the pleasure of taking her 6-week clinic and learned a ton. I'm sure this condensed version will be equally as informative and easier to fit many schedules.


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

8/15 Saturday Ride

It looks like we are going to have another great day to ride this Saturday. To celebrate, I thought we would do something different and head up Mountain Rd. (MapMyRide Route). Ok, maybe the route isn't that different, but the weather is actually supposed to be nice.

If you are new to the Saturday ride or if you just feel the need to check up on us and make sure we are keeping the ride within the advertised parameters, check out the Saturday ride description.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Joshua's Ride

Hello CCCP Members and Non-Members,

I thought I'd let you know about Joshua's Ride, scheduled for August 29th in Cape Elizabeth. It looks like a fun ride for a good cause. You can check out the details here:


Thursday, August 6, 2009

8/8 Saturday Ride

This week the Saturday ride will be heading through Falmouth (MapMyRide route). If this will be your first time joining the Saturday ride, or if you are just looking for more detail on these rides, check out the Saturday ride description.

Friday, July 31, 2009

8/1 Saturday Ride

This week we are going to leave it up to the concensus of the group to decide what route we take. The only limitation is that we can't go over to Prout's Neck because the beach to beacon is this weekend.

For those of you looking to join us for the first time this week, please check out the CCCP Saturday ride description.

Friday, July 24, 2009

7/25 Saturday Ride

After taking a long ride up to Brunswick last week, this week the Saturday ride will be back in the Falmouth area (MapMyRide Route). If this will be your first time joining the Saturday ride, or if you are just looking for more detail on these rides, check out the Saturday ride description.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Saturday Ride Needs Leaders!

For the next two Saturdays - July 25 and August 1 - both Bron and I are unavailable to lead the Saturday ride.

Is there someone out there willing to step up and lead the ride in our absence? As most of you probably recognize, leading the ride is pretty low-key. You just need to keep the group together and do your best to maintain a fun atmosphere.

Please email me or submit a comment using the link below if you would be willing to help us out.


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

7/18 Saturday Ride (Weather Update)

There has been a significant rise in interest for a longer ride in the 60 mile range. In order to provide this option without eliminating the normal Saturday ride, we are planning to try something different this week.

This Saturday, we will have two ride routes: a "normal" loop through Cumberland (MapMyRide Route) and a "long" route (MapMyRide Route) through Brunswick. Both rides will leave the shop at 8:00 as usual. In fact, this weekend is the Urban Epic triathlon, so we need to make sure we leave on time so we don't disrupt the bike route around Back Cove.

The two routes are identical until we hit Greely Rd. At that point, we will regroup and riders can decide which route they would like to take. The long route travels up to Brunswick and is approximately 60 miles. The normal route will head up Greely, to Blanchard, over Mill to Blackstrap and then back in to Portland for a total of approximately 32 miles.

The weather is looking like it could be a bit wet and relatively chilly, so make sure you dress appropriately. Also, eating and drinking will be extremely important. For those planning to do the longer route, please make sure you have two full water bottles and that at least one of them has some form of sports drink. In addition, you should plan on having some form of food such as an energy bar, gel packs, baked good, etc. Personally, I like to put a half bagel or some bread in my back pocket, but just make sure you have something to replace the calories you will lose.

It's worth noting that there will be two opportunities to get water on the longer route. At approximately mile 23 some of Bron's friends have graciously offered to let us stop in for water and/or a nature break. Then at about mile 40, there is a convenience store right before we get to Freeport. Do yourself a favor and throw $5 in your jersey pocket or saddle bag so that you have the option to grab something at the store if you need it.

If anyone has any comments or questions, please either post a comment below or feel free to send me an email.

See you Saturday.

Weather Update Friday Night

Rain is definitely in the forecast for tomorrow, but unless there is a thunderstorm, I will be at the shop for the ride.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

No Sunday Ride

Due to the underwhelming response, there won't be a ride tomorrow morning.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

7/11 Saturday Ride and Possible Sunday Ride

I'm not feeling very decisive week, so I will throw out two possible routes for the Saturday ride. We can either do the Middle/Mountain/Blanchard route (MapMyRide Route) or we can do the Mountain/Dutton route (MapMyRide Route).

For those looking to join us for the first time, check out the description of the CCCP Saturday Ride.

Sunday Ride?

There has been some talk about a longer version of the Saturday ride. I am planning to ride on Sunday morning and would be happy to lead a 50-60 mile ride. My inclination is to head up toward Brunswick and, given the extra length, I am open to starting a bit earlier than usual - say 7:00.

If people are interested, please give me some indication by leaving a comment or sending me an email. I'm not wed to either the start time or the route, so if you have other ideas, let them be known. If there will be a Sunday ride, I will add a post here with the details by noon on Saturday.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Trivia Question

Question: Does anyone remember who won the Yarmouth Clam Festival last year?

Answer: Justin Spinelli


This is a very good article on Mr. Spinelli and his previous accomplishments:

I highly recommend also checking out his blog:

Who knows, perhaps he'll be on the start line again this year.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

6/27 Saturday Ride

This week the Saturday ride will be exploring a few more hills. For those that have been with us during the past few weeks, you've gotten used to heading up Mountain Rd. Well, this week we are planning to include Dutton Hill Rd. as well. This is a great local ride that should be a fun way to get some additional experience going uphill (and downhill for that matter).

For more detail on this week's route or for a description of the Saturday ride check out:

MapMyRide Route

CCCP Saturday Ride Description

Monday, June 22, 2009

Saturday Ride Goes Long!

In response to rising demand, we are planning a long (approximately 60 mile) version of the Saturday ride. The goal will be to maintain the inclusive atmosphere of a normal Saturday ride while adding some additional miles to help folks get experience with longer ride and exposure to some new territory.

We are open to suggestions for routes, starting location and timing, so please use the comment option below to chime in and provide your 2 cents.

As a starting point for discussion, here are three potential route options:

Raymond Loop (from Cumberland Center)

Brunswick Loop

Saco/OOB Coastal Route

Feel free to provide your thoughts on these routes or to submit a route of your own. If you suggest a route, please map the ride using MapMyRide and provide a link so that we can check out the details.

Finally, we need to pick a date. Potential options are Saturday July 11 or 18, Sunday July 12 or 19, or possibly Friday July 3.

Please provide comments, questions and/or thoughts by using the comments link below or emailing Sean.

Friday, June 19, 2009

6/20 Saturday Ride

This week's Saturday ride will be heading through Falmouht and Cumberland again this week. For more detail on this week's route or for a description of the Saturday ride check out:

MapMyRide Route

CCCP Saturday Ride Description

Friday, June 12, 2009

6/13 Saturday Ride

There are showers in the forecast yet again this Saturday, but it looks like they are supposed to hold off until the afternoon so it should be a great morning for riding. This week we will be heading through Falmouth and Cumberland.

For more detailed information on this week's route or a full description of the CCCP Saturday ride check out:

MapMyRide Route

CCCP Saturday Ride Description

Thursday, June 4, 2009

6/6 Saturday Ride

This week the Saturday ride will be heading through Falmouth and Cumberland.

For more detailed information on this week's route or a full description of the CCCP Saturday ride check out:

MapMyRide Route

CCCP Saturday Ride Description

Monday, June 1, 2009

CCCP Google Group

For those of you who are not aware, we have created a Google Group for the club:

This is a great way for members to post ride info, start a discussion, and upload photos and files. It's free to join. Anyone can view the messages on the group without becoming a joining. However, only members can post messages. Keep in mind that you don't have to be an official CCCP member to become a member of this group - anyone is welcome.

We do request that, since this is a community site, you keep any negativity and profanity out of this group.

There are a few options for notifications when you do join the group:

1.) You can receive emails as soon as something is posted to the group;
2.) You can receive a daily abbreviated version of the day's postings; or
3.) You can receive no email notifications and just check the site when it's convenient for you.

These options can also be changed at any time and you also have the option of unsubscribing or leaving the group altogether if you'd like. Although we hope it will become a useful tool for those impromptu rides or when you are looking to put together a ride group.

We hope you'll consider joining!

New 2009 CCCP Jerseys, Jackets and Bibs are Here!

The new kits have arrived from Italia and they look great. New logo, different shoulder color and three new club sponsors - thank you Cornerstones, Goduti/Thomas Architects and Forest Gardens.

Kris will be at bike shop early (5:30 pm) before today's Monday ride (6pm) for anyone who wants to pick their order up toute de suite. Please bring your checkbook or cash (no credit cards) if you owe a balance on your order and please leave order sheet even if you are fully paid up.

Kits can be picked up at shop later in the week, but ask for the politburo (Kris) when you come in.

There are some extras kits, not many, that will be available but not until preorders are picked up. Talk to Kris in a week or two.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

5/30 Saturday Ride

This week the Saturday ride will be tromping around Falmouth.

For more detailed information on this week's route or a full description of the CCCP Saturday ride check out:

5/30 MapMyRide route

CCCP Saturday Ride Description

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

6th Annual CCCP Memorial Day Ride

The weather was almost perfect for the 6th annual CCCP Memorial Day ride in the White Mountains. A lot less wind would have made the ride a lot more enjoyable and a lot less arduous.


Photos and videos can be found on our Flickr page:

Enjoy! (Please, if you use the photos on another site, credit to Don McEwan is greatly appreciated!)


Thursday, May 21, 2009

5/23 Saturday Ride

We are going to try to post the route for the Saturday ride here on the blog by Thursday so that people know where we will be heading each week.

This week, we are heading over to Cape Elizabeth and doing the Prout's Neck loop (map via mapmyride). As always, we will be leaving from Back Bay Cycles at 8:00 am.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tonight's WNR

There will be no Wednesday night ride tonight. Sorry for the short notice.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Wednesday Rides

Tracey Merrill and Robert Oliver would like to start up the Wednesday night ride, leaving from the South Portland High School on Highland Ave at 5:30. Moderate pace, no drop ride.

Email Tracey if you'd like more information!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Let the Rides Begin

Ready to Ride?
Hooray! It's been a long winter and an especially long and cold March but CCCP's Weekly Rides have now officially begun!  Monday, Thursdays and the Women'
s Ride, now on Wednesday, are leaving Back Bay Bicycle at 5:30 (6pm later in May). Saturday morning rides (8am) will begin in a few weeks. For more info on Wednesday Womens's ride: Christine  Caputo : 

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Sunday Ride, 03/22

Hey CCCP community,

A few of us are riding Sunday at noon for a couple hours. It will be a casual ride. Plan on meeting at Back Bay Bicycle if you are interested in joining.


Dempsey Challenge

The Dempsey Challenge scheduled for October 4th is open for registration:

Big George is confirmed to be there!


Saturday, March 14, 2009

Sunday Ride, 03/15

Hey CCCP community,

Tracey Merrill and Robert Oliver are planning a ride Sunday from the South Portland High School lot on Highland Avenue at 12:30 tomorrow.

Email Tracey for more details.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Social Event at Forest Gardens, March 5th

CCCP will gather at Forest Garden's at 6pm on Thursday, March 5th. Hope to see many folks there. All club members and friends of the club welcome. No official business, just drinks and conversation!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Saturday Ride Anyone?

Anyone interested in joining me for a ride Saturday, 02/21? I proposing departing from the shop at noon. Out and back for a couple hours and home in time to wash your bike and still make the CCCP meeting at the shop by 5pm.

Last Sunday felt so good to be on the bike that I'm looking for a repeat feeling. Nothing arduous, just enjoy the day on two wheels.

Email me if you are interested or leave a message on my cell: 776-1453!


Saturday, February 14, 2009

Tour of California Prologue

Fat Cyclist posted some live updates during the prologue of the Tour of California. It's worth a read.


Saturday, February 7, 2009

Rumor Has It....

Rumor has it that Big George Hincapie will ride the Demsey Challenge in October. That's way better than riding with Lance, in my humble opinion.


Thursday, February 5, 2009

Saturday Ride

It's official, there is a ride Saturday. Scotty and I are riding at 10am. Let me know if you are interested. I'm not sure if we'll leave from the shop or the Shaw's plaza in Falmouth.

The plan is to ride to at least Freeport via Route One, which looks clear.

With sunny skies and temps in the mid-30's it should be a great ride.


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Warm Weekend

Anyone riding outside this weekend??


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Corporate Challenge Indoor Triathlon

This looks CRAZY FUN!

Great Weather for an Indoor Triathlon

The Portland YMCA will hold a Corporate Challenge Indoor Triathlon on February 28 where Corporate teams of three will be using the Y’s heated pool, treadmills and stationery bicycles to compete in a sprint type triathlon. One member of each team has to either swim, run or bicycle for 15 minutes. The distance covered by each team member will be combined for the total distance covered.

The Corporate Challenge Indoor Triathlon is a co-ed event with each team having to have at least one female competitor. Entries will be limited to 15 teams in this inaugural year. Deadline for entries is February 18.

All participants in the Corporate Challenge Indoor Triathlon will receive an event t-shirt. Winners will take home a trophy, plus the chance to win tickets to The Longest Dinner, the CCY’s major fundraising event to be held in June 2009.

The Indoor Triathlon will raise awareness of the YMCA’s commitment to providing programs and services to all, regardless of their ability to pay. Each year the Cumberland County YMCA awards just under $600,000 to children and families who would not otherwise be able to afford Y facilities and services.

Here is the Registration Form. For more information, please call Debbie Reed, wellness director, at 874 – 1111.

An indoor triathlon! What could be more fun for a great cause??

Rather serendipitous the way this information presented itself to me. Perhaps you and your office might want to throw a team together!


Saturday, January 17, 2009

Social Gathering at the White Heart

It was so great to see everyone that showed up at the White Heart for a little club socializing Thursday night. Hopefully we can do a couple more in the next couple of months.

Now, for all you Belgium beer loving bikers, thought you might like to know about what looks to be a fun night of eating and drinking. Hugo's is hosting a beer dinner with Novare Res Bier Cafe. If you've not had the pleasure of attending a wine dinner at Hugo's, I can assure you they are outstanding and well worth every penny. So check it out and make a reservation - you'll be glad you did!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Exciting Women's 3/4 Racing Opportunity

Stephanie Chase asked that I post this exciting information for all you women bikers:

I know CCCP has a fair amount of gals in the club as well as a fairly large following in general so I wanted to pass this along to you.

Katherine (NEBC), Karen (CVC), and Janet Ramos, have asked Julie and I (IBC) to help out in making efforts to try and get the Northeast Women’s 3/4 Series going in 2009. I'm basically working Maine and NH while the other gals are working the larger demographic of Mass and Connecticut. The IBC women's team ran a couple of cx clincs for Cat 3/4 women this past fall, that were a huge success so we'd like to work with Katherine, Karen and Janet to get the road/crit scene going as well. In order to build women's racing, we have to 'encourage' girls to get on the line and we can only do that by reaching out to all involved in competitive cycling on any level, beginner, intermediate, mens, womens and masters. A couple of us are cat2 and three gals are cat3 that are attempting to get this going but basically we need everyone's input no matter what level they are racing at. (read: don't feel like you have to be new to the sport to participate and have input)

For those of you who are not familiar with the Series (which last ran in 2006), it is a points competition to encourage participation in Women’s beginner (cat4) and intermediate races (cat3). The first 15 finishers in a race will be ranked according to finish position with the rest of the field awarded points for participating. There will be a leader’s jersey and prizes at the end of the year. With the points system it is possible to still be a leader even without podium spots as long as you participate. We’ll also be awarding merchandise at races as prizes and primes to make things a little more interesting.

Right now we’re still establishing a schedule for the year but could use your input in deciding which races should be part of the series. Karen has created a brief survey, which you can aquire by emailing me or Dana McEwan. If you send back the completed survey to me at ( , I will pass them along to Karen, Katherine and Janet so that we can use the survey results to help determine what races fit everyone’s needs and also to guide promoters in offering more women’s fields.

In addition, I'm psyched to say that Portland will have a cat4 women's development team that will be on the line in several of these races and am very excited to see how these girls do. We're hoping it's only the beginning. It does nothing but good for the sport and the sport in Maine, specifically.
Thanks, in advance, for the input~

I am happy to report that I will be one of the women she speaks of in the local Cat 4 development team, along with Julie Fitzgerald, Meg Moore, and a few other ladies. (I'm leaving their names off for now in the event they have changed their minds.)
