Monday, August 17, 2009

Clinic for New Group Riders - September 6th, 2009

Hi All,

Many of you know Stephanie Chase and that she has been putting on some cycling clinics for people desiring to hone their bike riding skills, especially as it applies to group riding.

Her next clinic will be a 4.5 hour clinic on September 6th that will include a lunch break. She plans to set the costs on a sliding scale in the hopes of getting the completely full (it's currently half full) and making it affordable so that all of those that need it will take it. She hopes this clinic will attract both men and women alike who take cycling seriously as part of the athletic endeavors AND as a safety issue in learning to ride correctly.
So the sliding scale is beneficial to word of mouth in trying to get people enrolled. Here's the layout:
1-10 riders $45.00
11-15 riders $40.00
16-20 riders $35.00
Here is the basic format of the clinic:
Opening Discussion/meet & greet 20 minutes
Pacelining/drafting/gearing 60 minutes
Discussion 10 minutes
Climbing Technique/gearing 60 minutes
Lunch Break 30 minutes
Accelerations/Bridging/Moving Up 60 minutes
Cornering/Discussion 30 minutes

For more information, feel free to contact Stephanie by either emailing her at or phoning her at (207) 939-6934.

Stephanie is a licensed cycling coach, certified personal trainer, and Cat 2 racer for Team International/Global Energy Cycling Team out of Boston, MA. She brings a lot of cycling knowledge and personal experience to these clinics. I personally have had the pleasure of taking her 6-week clinic and learned a ton. I'm sure this condensed version will be equally as informative and easier to fit many schedules.


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