Monday, June 1, 2009

CCCP Google Group

For those of you who are not aware, we have created a Google Group for the club:

This is a great way for members to post ride info, start a discussion, and upload photos and files. It's free to join. Anyone can view the messages on the group without becoming a joining. However, only members can post messages. Keep in mind that you don't have to be an official CCCP member to become a member of this group - anyone is welcome.

We do request that, since this is a community site, you keep any negativity and profanity out of this group.

There are a few options for notifications when you do join the group:

1.) You can receive emails as soon as something is posted to the group;
2.) You can receive a daily abbreviated version of the day's postings; or
3.) You can receive no email notifications and just check the site when it's convenient for you.

These options can also be changed at any time and you also have the option of unsubscribing or leaving the group altogether if you'd like. Although we hope it will become a useful tool for those impromptu rides or when you are looking to put together a ride group.

We hope you'll consider joining!

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