Friday, May 1, 2015

5/2 Saturday Ride


Saturday looks to be a lovely day, so off to Pinelands we go! The Randonneurs will be joining us again, averaging 13.5 mph, and will be headed to Pinelands along Greely and Cumberland/New Gloucester: Rando map

We'll echo their course on the way out, averaging 17 mph or so but, hating out-and-back routes as I do, we'll mix it up on the way home: SMR map

Both routes will be about 43 miles, so be sure to bring adequate water and a snack. We can refill out at the Pineland Market; if you require coffee, be ready to chug it: we shouldn't be there too long!

Plus, a reminder about the Trek Quick-Release recall: the Trek dealers have these in stock, so it's a quick in and out.

1 comment:

Bruce said...

I am going to split off at Pineland and add about 20 miles and some hills, for a total of 62. Join me?
Bron, I won't take the coffee comment personally.