Friday, May 22, 2015

5/23 Saturday Ride

It's the last ride before Memorial Day, so I'm looking for something a little flat for tomorrow. Freeport would be ideal except that we're starting to wear out the pavement up there, so I wondered about doing Prout's Neck? It may be one of the last times we can do that loop without the thundering hordes on 77 (though there will be more drivers tomorrow than last week).

Andy and the Randonneurs will be heading out to Standish for 59 miles of bucolic, rolling, wonderful. If there are any concerns about the Cape Elizabeth tomorrow, I could be talked into 40 miles of Andy's ride, limiting ourselves to the loop around Westbrook/Gorham.


Brian C said...

I'd be in favor of doing the Standish route for more variety. I think we should do the full route and have an option for people to do the shorter one if needed. Summer is too short to waste!

Unknown said...

If we want to ride out to OOB/Saco, we should do it fairly soon. Tourist season will be here before we know it. I'd be game for this ride and would ride in from home.

Bron said...

Paul, I agree, but you should probably post this sort of suggestion *before* everyone's gone to bed! ; )

With the Memorial Day ride on Monday, I wanted lower miles for this Saturday, but I am not opposed to floating this for next week.