Thursday, September 2, 2010

9/4 Saturday Ride


Ride Moved to SUNDAY at 8:00am this Week

Thank you for all the responses. It was nearly unanimous that we move this week's ride to Sunday morning, so we will leave the shop on Sunday at 8:00am for the planned longer route through Cumberland, Falmouth and Yarmouth (MapMyRide route).

In the event that the weather moves through faster than expected and things dry out by Saturday morning, I will probably head to the shop since we are not sure how many people actually follow the blog. So, if it isn't raining steadily tomorrow morning and people show up at the shop to ride, I'm happy to do something relatively flat and easy in the 25-30 mile range (probably the Monday night loop going counterclockwise).

First, thanks to Eric for stepping up and leading the ride last week. All reports were that it was a great ride.

The story for this week is Earl. According to the NOAA forecast, we are looking at a chance of showers and 15mph winds for Saturday. However, the projected track looks to have the storm somewhere right off our coast, which could potentially mean some seriously heavy rain and winds. Not that anyone would be likely to show up, but we are not going to have the ride in the midst of a tropical storm.

Ordinarily, we would head out in light rain and light winds and if there was no lightening anywhere in the area. However, since we have a fairly long ride planned for this weekend (MapMyRide route) and since this week's ride is part of a progression intended to help people prepare for the Dempsey or the Cadillac century rides, I am open to discussing the option of moving the ride to Sunday morning.

Please drop me an email and let me know if you would prefer to ride on Sunday. Not surprisingly, these pleas for input often go ignored, but please take the 10 seconds to drop me your thoughts. Since people need to know what we are doing, we will make the decision no later than Friday at 7:00 pm. Please check back here after then for an update.

As for the rest of the longer training rides, we will stick with the original plan:


Anonymous said...

Sean, A Sunday Ride would work for me. I would most likely show.

Anonymous said...

How about a Saturday afternoon ride at like 4?