Thursday, September 16, 2010

9/18 Saturday Ride

Given the length of this week's ride, we will be starting a bit early and leaving the shop at 7:30. Plan on a chilly start to the day, with temps hovering just above 50° when we head out.

This week's route will be an 86 mile jaunt up through Raymond (MapMyRide route). In addition to the length, there's also a fair bit of climbing with a touch over 6,000' of total elevation gain. We will try to incorporate two stops along the way to provide people with the opportunity to grab a snack, but please plan ahead and bring extra fluids, some solid food and cash to cover any drinks or snack. Speaking of solid food, I got a fair bit of grief for bringing waffles the last time we did the Raymond loop. It turns out I'm not alone in considering them a great biking snack: Honey Stinger Waffle review.

Like last week there is no "normal" Saturday route planned. However, for those not interested in riding the full loop, there are several opportunities to break off and head back to the shop. We'll check in with people before we head out and figure out what makes the most sense.

For those of you looking to do more than 86 miles this week, the Loon Echo Hike n' Bike Trek, which claims to be the "toughest century ride in Maine," is this weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Sean,

Will Saturday's 9-25 ride start at 7:30 or 8:00?
