Thursday, August 20, 2009

Saturday Morning Ride 8/22

    This week the Rob will be taking the reins for the Saturday ride. Owen, you weren't there to defend yourself, so we voted you in as co-leader!

    Rob wanted to go to Cousins Island and, unfortunately, there's no way to do that in less than 37 miles (or doing an out-and-back) without using Rte 88. This road is still fairly beaten up in many areas so if you really want to do this, people need to be spread out on 88 and not follow in tight formation (not that this has been a problem recently!)

    Alternatively, there's the Woodsville/Blanchard/Mountain route, which will allow everyone the pleasure of bombing DOWN Mountain Road. Check your brakes often.

    If this will be your first time joining the Saturday ride, or if you are just looking for more detail on these rides, check out the Saturday ride description.


Unknown said...

I'm tired of the mountain road loop. I vote for the Cousins Island loop. Could we avoid all but a short section of 88 by backtracking through Yarmouth and taking route 1 back? The shoulder's wide and in good condition and we rode it coming back from the 60 miler a month ago. Shouldn't add much distance and maybe we could practice some pacelining/drafting in a more organized group on some easier rollers?

Dennisvj099 said...

Owen ... Ibid!

Tracey said...

Rob, nice work leading the ride today. No one left behind! (Oh, that was me at the back!)