Friday, June 12, 2009

6/13 Saturday Ride

There are showers in the forecast yet again this Saturday, but it looks like they are supposed to hold off until the afternoon so it should be a great morning for riding. This week we will be heading through Falmouth and Cumberland.

For more detailed information on this week's route or a full description of the CCCP Saturday ride check out:

MapMyRide Route

CCCP Saturday Ride Description

1 comment:

Tracey said...

What a great ride today! Faster than usual, but it still seemed like everyone had a great time! Congratulations to Heidi and Dennis (I hope I got those names right) on getting married today! Sarah joined Rob and I for a longer ride of over 60 miles total! Sarah had never done over 38 so congrats to her too! Good to meet everyone and I hope to see you all again.