Saturday, August 9, 2008

Sunday Morning Coffee Ride!

Meet at Back Bay Bicycle at 8am Sunday morning. I'm suggesting two routes to choose from:

1.) Prout's Neck loop with a stop at Scratch Bakery, either before or after the loop ride. (The upside to Scratch is the pastries for breakfast - yummy! The downside is there is no seating.)

2.) Ride to Maine Roasters Coffee in Yarmouth. After fueling on caffeine we'll ride out Rt. 115, down Rt 9 to Blanchard and Skillings onto Blackstrap to Portland.

Feel free to chime in as to which direction you'd prefer to take. We can also take a poll at the shop in the morning. For those who are not up for a ride longer than to the coffee shop and back, you are not obligated to continue on for a longer ride.

Hope to see you in the morning!


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