Saturday, March 22, 2008

Do the Test

Many of you have received an email that is being passed around that has a link in it to Do the Test.

This link is a video of some young adults passing a ball and while you are paying attention to that, something else takes place that most people miss. It's very enlightening and worth watching.

The video is actually an ad in the UK to make motorists aware of cyclists. It's also interesting to note that the video is a knock-off of sorts by an original video created by a professor out of the University of Illinois. Bike Biz has the scoop on it here.

Still, we can't ignore the reason for the video. It's a good campaign and the more people that see the video in our corner of the world the better. So please pass it along. We all know how vulnerable we can be out there and hopefully this will make motorists more aware of a cyclist that can seem almost invisible.

Here is the link if you'd like to copy/paste it to your email for distribution:

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