Monday, March 31, 2008

Community Bike Ride Benefit and Expo June 29th

      The 2nd Annual Community Ride which benefits The Bike Shop  program will be happening on Sunday June 29th this year and once again CCCP is taking a lead role in helping Matt organize it.  We are going to really expand it the ride this year now that Whole Foods has signed on as a sponsor and has offered to stage the event from their store. Since we will be right next to the Baxter Boulevard Trail we will be able to have a 4 mile for kids and families as well as a 25 mile ride and a 50 mile loop for more serious riders.
    The plan is to add a Bike Expo as well which will feature tables from all the local bike clubs as well as all the local bike shops. The first meeting last week got us off to a good start with about 10 showing up, including 5 CCCP members but we are definitely looking for some more volunteers to manage the bigger event. So, we will let you know when the next meeting is (in late April) so please mark June 29th on your calendar to at least ride/donate but also please consider getting involved and volunteering. This is CCCP's major public service event and the program which Matt runs for the kids is so worthy of support. We helped raise $1800 last year, but I feel that if we all pitch in and get all the other shops and clubs involved, not to mention Whole Foods promotions, we can easily triple that amount. Spread the word.   


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