Tuesday, January 15, 2008

January 15th Meeting Minutes

Present: Kris, Mark, Greg, Spencer, Dana, Scotty, John, Richard, Bryan and Russ.

Two rounds of beers, possibly three.

Three orders of nachos and one order of Thai Peanut Wings.

Discussions were as follows, and in no particular order:

Membership forms/club kit forms

League of American Bicyclists

Russ's Birthday

Last weekend's ride

Winter spin classes and trainers

Weight gain and weight loss

Austrailian Open

Heart Rate Monitors/Power meters

New bikes/frames (some have them and some are in the market)


Scotty's upcoming Duathlons/Triathlons

Winter cycling tires

Club kit designs

Starting a Forest Garden Bike Pool

Reminisced of a dear friend who has left us and last year's group rides

I know I missed some other topics discussed at the other end of the table and perhaps those parties can fill in the missing blanks.

We also managed to sing an embarrassing rendition of Happy Birthday to Russ just before he left. However we failed to sing to the late, great, Martin Luther King, Jr.

Next meeting, which the date has yet to be determined but we all agree will be soon, will be held at Forest Gardens. So if you weren't able to join us this time, consider joining us again. We have lots of laughs and it's great to get together with other club members in the off season to talk of cycling and other non-cycling topics.



Unknown said...

Got done work, ran some errands got out the Bear about five minutes before fore the party was about to start. Recon the room and don't see anyone I know. I'm quite surprised to be the first one there. So I grab a seat at the end of the bar and keep an eye on the door. As the minutes tick by I start to come to the conclusion I got the date wrong and at zero hour minus twenty I pack it up and head on home.

First thing I do upon returning to my domicile is discover had I waited just a few more minutes, I would have been at the right place at the right time.


Dana said...

Hey Jim!
So sorry we missed you. Sometimes we do arrive a bit after 6pm. Next time make sure you give us 15 extra minutes! You did, however, come up in conversation. We all commented on your accomplishment of 200+ miles in one day on the single speed. We are all so impressed by it!

Anonymous said...

Good Lord! I thought 100 miles in a day (with gears) was an accomplishment!

Bill S