Monday, January 14, 2008

CCCP's New Year!

H i F O L K S !

It has been awhile since the last newsletter, but I'm hoping that the New year finds you well and in better shape than I am. I swim a couple times a week, but without the incentive to not get dropped that comes from group rides, I just don't push myself as much. Mostly, however, I just miss seeing all of you on a regular basis.

Now that we are the Community Cycling Club of Portland I miss our wonderful community. Fortunately, thanks to Dana, we have been able to keep in touch digitally if not in person. Bookmark this address post haste!

So a brand new year, a new riding season, a new blog, a new president in November, Hallelujah!, for some lucky members a new bike and for all of you a chance for brand new 2008 CCCP jerseys and shorts.

But, first things first! I'm talking about your brand new 2008 CCCP Membership. It's time to renew everyone! Membership of only $20 offers you so much:

1.) All CCCP clothing and accessories at or below cost. Non-members pay cost plus 80%.

2.) 15% discount on all parts and accessories as well as 10 % off of all bikes over $1500 at Back Bay Bicycle.

3.) Supplemental medical insurance on any CCCP ride.

4.) Feeling good about supporting The Bike Shop, HEADCASES Youth helmet Program (20% of all memberships and corporate sponsorship goes to free helmets), The Bike Coalition of Maine and the League of American Bicyclists.

5.) Fabulous weekly rides, Special Rides, Benefit Rides, apres rides, Season End Party, and wonderful new and old friendships.

Join the Community! Join the fun! Join or renew CCCP by emailing me for a membership form if you did not receive it via my newletter email. You can also sign up at Back Bay Bike, 333 Forest Ave, Portland.

So, now that you have joined or renewed, you can order CCCP's brand new 2008 Jerseys, shorts, bibs and gloves. Again, email me if you haven't receive the form via email. You can order at Back Bay as well, but it is better to mail the form to me directly.

Last but not least, CCCP will be having an informal meeting this Tuesday, January 15th at 6:00pm at The Great Lost, Forest Ave, Portland. By a happy coincidence the 15th will also be Russ Boisvert's birthday, as well as Martin Luther King Day, so come join us for a beer and spring planning. By another happy circumstance, Tuesdays are also 'short' night at the Bear so all beers are 22 ounces.



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