Thursday, September 22, 2016

9/24 Saturday Ride

The Dempsey Challenge and the Cadillac Challenge are both two weekends away; I know a lot of us are doing one or the other (guess who's doing both?), so we need one more ride with hills. It's either Pinelands or Brunswick, I think, leaning towards Brunswick: the Not Dead Yet ride will be going Saturday morning out of Pinelands, and we may not want to navigate crowded roads. The table is open for comments.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

With Dempsey/Cadillac around the corner I don't think the roads will be as crowded as you might suspect...and our own numbers on Saturday recently have been small (1/2 dozen, tops, typically) so it isn't like we're bringing a crowd. Imho, the roads are a taxpayer-supported resource. If we aren't poaching NDY's waterstops or the beer tent we should feel at home. Personally, I wouldn't let NDY affect the decision, but you're hosting and it's your call. Garry