Friday, May 29, 2015

5/30 Saturday Ride

Well, that was fun: another successful jaunt around the Maine/NH boarder, climbing like billy goats! I think my legs are recovered now, so should we climb some more (did *I* just say that?)? I was thinking Pinelands via Dutton Hill. I have two options, one with Depot Road (42 mi) and one without (via Long Hill, 45 mi). I recall hearing that Babbage is a bit broken up, so I avoided it. If people are done with big hills for a while, we can head over to Westbrook (38 mi) instead.

The Randonneurs are also planning on Dutton Hill (38 mi), but by a slightly more circuitous route. This pace will be about 13.5 mph with the regular SMR group doing about 17.5.

Wheels roll at 8:00.

Friday, May 22, 2015

5/23 Saturday Ride

It's the last ride before Memorial Day, so I'm looking for something a little flat for tomorrow. Freeport would be ideal except that we're starting to wear out the pavement up there, so I wondered about doing Prout's Neck? It may be one of the last times we can do that loop without the thundering hordes on 77 (though there will be more drivers tomorrow than last week).

Andy and the Randonneurs will be heading out to Standish for 59 miles of bucolic, rolling, wonderful. If there are any concerns about the Cape Elizabeth tomorrow, I could be talked into 40 miles of Andy's ride, limiting ourselves to the loop around Westbrook/Gorham.

Monday, May 11, 2015

5/16 Saturday Ride =UPDATE=

The Rando ride will be going to Cousin's Island, averaging 13.5 mph; for those SMR riders who are not meeting at Mable Wilson School, leading the way to Cousin's with the faster riders is not a bad option. If you're looking for a different route, some of our typical ones can be found here, but I suggest something familiar, like Freeport or the Prout's Neck loop.

One weekend until the Memorial Day Ride, so it must be time for the Raymond Hill Loop. There are six Cat5 hills on the route, so be prepared for some climbing and a lot of rest the week after! We'll meet at the Mable Wilson School on Tuttle Road right near Cumberland Center; please be ready to roll at 8:00 sharp.

THAT SAID, if there is anyone not planning on the Memorial Day ride (and therefore not interested in 6 climbs in 60 miles), I need a bunny wrangler who would be willing to manage the regular SMR from the shop. All you really need to do is get people rolling and not get lost; I am happy to post the favorite route of whomever volunteers. Just drop me an email or leave a comment.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

5/9 Saturday Ride

When did it get this late? I just looked at the calendar and realized we have two weeks left before the Memorial Day Ride, so we're going to need to get some miles in!

I think we should plan on going to Brunswick this weekend (65 miles, or you can turn back at Freeport for 35) and get ready to do the Raymond Hills next weekend. This has six Cat 5 climbs in it over 52 miles, so be prepared with adequate hydration and snacks. We should meet out in Cumberland for that one, so be sure to plan.

Andy will be leading the Randonneurs on a trip around Forest Lake at about 13.4 mph

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Vermont Gran Fondo

The Vermont Gran Fondo is Saturday, June 13th, and Bruce would really like some company!

For more information you can visit their website or their Facebook page. Feel free also to leave a comment here to get in touch with Bruce.

Friday, May 1, 2015

5/2 Saturday Ride


Saturday looks to be a lovely day, so off to Pinelands we go! The Randonneurs will be joining us again, averaging 13.5 mph, and will be headed to Pinelands along Greely and Cumberland/New Gloucester: Rando map

We'll echo their course on the way out, averaging 17 mph or so but, hating out-and-back routes as I do, we'll mix it up on the way home: SMR map

Both routes will be about 43 miles, so be sure to bring adequate water and a snack. We can refill out at the Pineland Market; if you require coffee, be ready to chug it: we shouldn't be there too long!

Plus, a reminder about the Trek Quick-Release recall: the Trek dealers have these in stock, so it's a quick in and out.