Friday, October 10, 2014

10/11 Saturday Ride

Century season is finally over, so we can return to our trypical Saturday morning rides! Cadillac featured a pouring rain start, but a beautiful end, so well worth the wet!


So, on to this week: I feel like I haven't ridden the SMR in a month (mostly because I haven't), so I'm just going to be happy to see everyone. Let's plan to decide on a route in the morning, but feel free to leave a comment with your picks so you can get others' minds thinking about them. Let's shoot for 40-ish, but less than 60, please. It should only vary about 5° from the 48° when we start, so dress accordingly. Afterwards, you can help me work on my Halloween costume:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm up for anything tomorrow, but missed the OOB/Saco ride earlier this fall and would be interested in doing that loop.