Thursday, August 28, 2014

8/30 Saturday Ride

It's a long weekend and the weather looks nearly perfect for cycling on Saturday. To celebrate we will head out to Pineland (Ride route). On the way out we are going to use Sligo Rd. The good news is that Sligo was recently resurfaced. The maybe not so good news is that the town/contractor chose a chip seal for the paving job. There has been some interest in how this surface is for cyclists, so we are going to head out that way to check it out first hand.

For those (like me) who need to be back a bit earlier, I am planning to head back to town after Sligo, which should make about a 30 mile trip instead of the 40+ out to Pineland.

The ride will leave at the usual 8:00 from the shop.

1 comment:

Bruce said...

Some of us did Sligo last Saturday. It lacks the pleasure of perfectly smooth fresh paving, but it's just a mild vibration. I'm riding out of Freeport up through Bowdoinham (46 miles) tomorrow morning, for logistical reasons. If anyone's interested, email me: