Friday, August 15, 2014

8/16 Saturday Ride

This seems to be the summer of absent leaders. Once again, we are looking at a great day to ride, but Bron and I are both unable to lead. Please leave a comment if you are willing to step up and generally point the group in the right direct.

As fro a route, I was thinking that this route over Dutton Hill via Cumberland would be a good choice (Ride route).

A quick note about these ride route maps. They are currently being made using Garmin's connect website, primarily so that riders with Garmin devices can easily load the maps. However, Garmin seems to have made a change recently where only members of the site can view maps. I'm generally not a huge fan of forcing people to join websites, so I have created a poll to the right. Please check it out and let us know your mapping preferences.


Peter said...

I cannot see the route on that link. Could someone post the total distance of the route? That often tells me whether I can fit the CCCP ride into my Saturday. Thanks!


Peter said...

Also, a note on the mapping software: I voted for and use MMR, but I am transitioning away from it since the advertising is so painful without a paid account. Can we use another system without a membership? Strava or or something else?

biking wombat said...

Here is the route on

and here it is on endomondo

The I like the version a bit better

Bruce said...

I am familiar with the route and happy to point people in the right direction.

Peter said...

Thanks for the links, they were helpful.

For me, it's not the route so much as the overall mileage since that dictates how long I have to plan on being away from home.

Hopefully I'll see you all this Saturday!