Thursday, November 8, 2012

Saturday Ride (No ride 11/10)

Now that we've had our first snow, it's time to consider when we will formally end the Saturday rides for the winter. Please drop me an email and let me know if you would like to keep riding and how cold is too cold (feel free to include a wind chill limit).

Sometime this winter, we were thinking it would be nice to try to get together to see each other and to talk a bit about the ride for next year. I already have contact info for many of the regulars, and I will definitely post an update here if we do anything, but if you drop me an email I will add you to my contact list.

As for this week's ride, there will be no formal ride: it's likely that it will be in the upper 30s even at 9:00 and I'm a bit concerned that the roads will be a mess with the snow that will be melting.


Anonymous said...

Anyone interested in riding on Saturday despite no formal ride? I'll meet if anyone plans on riding. Please comment if interested. Thanks, Jim

Anonymous said...

Roger and I (Leo) plan on riding Saturday; biking there, arrive just before 9:00, will leave at 9:10.
Thinking of taking Route 88 to Little John Island, return via Route 1.
See you at 9:00 ?!

Anonymous said...

I can't ride tomorrow but would like to ride Sunday . Hopefully it will be warmer . Chance of rain early am thus think 10 am start will be warmer and clearer . Anyone interested ? Can txt me too 415-2435.

Anonymous said...

I have to work until 1pm. Anyone interested in a much warmer ride at 2pm?