Tuesday, November 22, 2011

11/26 Saturday Ride

Well, it could be an interesting weekend, beyond the weather. Could I get a show of hands from those who think they'd like to ride this weekend? If everyone's going to be out of town, I might as well be, too. Please leave a comment.

Also, let me know if you think we should keep going or wind down for the season. If we do wind down, but you want to ride some weekend, you can simply email me at bron@cyclemaine.com and I'll put up an entry to help find ride buddies.

Let me know what you think, on both counts, and have a great holiday.

UPDATE: It looks to be a lovely day on Saturday, and Bruce's suggestion of a later start seems a fine idea. Let's plan to leave the shop at 9:00. See you there!

1 comment:

Bruce said...

I am inclined to ride on Saturday, but I think we should start at 9 or 10.