Wednesday, August 3, 2011

8/6 Saturday Ride


Well, nobody contacted me about leading, so I'm just going to let the group that shows up tomorrow morning figure out where it wants to go. Have a good ride.


I'm posting a bit early this week because it turns out that Bron and I both have other commitments this weekend and can't lead the Saturday ride. If someone wants to step up to lead, please drop me an email and let me know.

I'll leave the route open for now, so if you are interested/willing to take the lead please let me know where you would like to take the group and I will update the blog.

Also, I keep mentioning it, but one of the few products I actually suggest people consider is a RoadID. Check out the site and the various product options. I have both a Wrist ID Sport and a Fixx ID and personally I prefer the original version to the interactive. If you are looking to pick up one of the IDs, drop me an email and I can forward you a coupon code that should be good for $1 off.


Adam said...

One more often overlooked safety element: correctly adjusted helmet straps. Just by chance I researched this three days prior to my crash at the lobster ride century. I noticed that the guys on the tour de France wore theirs slightly differently than I did. I did suffer a concussion and several head stitches along with my shattered pelvis but I did not sustain any brain injury. Chris came to visit me in rehab and I showed him the helmet. Split through in several places. I Strongly feel that if I had not taken the time to research and correctly adjust the helmet straps things would have been much worse. Be safe out there and see you next year.

Sean said...

Adam - I hope you are doing better. Are you checking email? I'd like to drop you a more private note.

Bruce said...

I propose this 35 mile ride, which includes some roads we don't normally do:

We could stop for coffee in Yarmouth, which will be after the hardest part of the ride is over.
