Thursday, November 4, 2010

11/6 Saturday Ride

------ UPDATE ------

There are more than enough folks interested, so we'll plan on heading out from the shop at 8:00am tomorrow morning. For those of you planning to join us en route, we will head out Middle Rd. to Freeport (MapMyRide route).


Hmmm, 40 degrees and a chance of showers. I'm open to the idea that we ride regardless of the weather, but I'll need a show of support, so drop me an email and let me me know if you are interested in riding this week. Alternatively, you could try out the shiny new poll I posted over there to the right of this post.

If there are more than 3 yes votes by 7:00 Friday night, we'll ride. The route will be an on-the-fly decision, but I'm thinking it would be nice to head out toward Freeport (MapMyRide route).


Anonymous said...

I'm up for it, I think.

Rod said...

I'm game if you head out Middle Road

Bron said...

The weather looks good in the morning so far, and reasonable temps, so why not?

Anonymous said...

I'm in regardless. Brett

Bron said...

Do or do not do, JL... there is no "try."

Anonymous said...

If the road is dry, I'll see you at the shop...Garry

Anonymous said...

I will not be going after all. Gonna shoot for the Sunday Memorial ride instead. Enjoy, JL

Valerie said...

Some good information here. I've enjoyed many of your recent posts.