Sunday, October 10, 2010

Saturday Ride Question...


We are NOT going to do the proposed loop over in the White Mts. since most of the responses were that people were not able to make a long ride this weekend given the short timeframe.

We will go ahead with the "normal" Saturday ride instead and will post the route later this week.


During the ride this weekend, there was some discussion about doing one final longer ride. The runaway favorite route was the loop that includes Bear Notch, the Kanc, Franconia and Crawford Notch over in New Hampshire (MapMyRide route). We'd like to get a sense of whether people would be interested in heading over there for a ride this coming Saturday, October 16.

I would like to hear from as many people as possible by Tuesday morning so I can make a decision before Kris sends out his club-wide end-of-season email, so please email me and let me know if you want to join the stroll through NH.

Depending on the interest of the group, we will decide whether there will be a "normal" Saturday ride as well.


Anonymous said...

I'm in. Jim

Unknown said...

I'd like to do this ride, but it depends on glass delivery at the brewery. I won't know till later in the week for sure.