Thursday, August 26, 2010

8/28 Saturday Ride

We're looking for a brave soul to lead the normal ride this week. So, if you're interested, please let me know.

For the longer ride this week, Eric has agreed to lead the group on a route out to Pineland (MapMyRide route).

I didn't get much feedback on the proposed plan for getting ready for the two century rides the first weekend in October, so we'll go forward with the following plan:
Please drop me an email with any comments, questions or complaints.


Bruce said...

Great job leading the ride today, Eric. Someone today mentioned the Lighthouse Century on September 11, which goes south along the coast, supposedly pretty flat. Could be a good warm-up for one of the harder centuries in October. See

Anonymous said...

Like what Bruce said...good show, Eric. I had 49.3 @ 18.2, and no one was too stressed about it back at the shop. Excellent, steady efforts on everyone's part. If the rest of our rides are like this one, the lot of us will be in great form this fall...Thanks again...Garry