Wednesday, March 3, 2010

3/6 Saturday Ride

With the forecast calling for sun and 44 degrees on Saturday, it looks like it's time to start back in on the Saturday rides. This week we will start of with a relatively short jaunt to get everyone back in the swing of things. We are considering two different routes: a 20 mile trip out Middle Rd. (MapMyRide route) or a 22 mile ride that incorporates Falmouth Rd. and Woodville (MapMyRide route). Let us know your preference by leaving a comment or sending me an email.

We will leave the shop at 8:00 as usual.


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure how democratic we need to get...Can we continue as we did last year...see who shows up (new/old faces), gauge where the zeitgeist is, and take it from there? At this time of year, it's all ice cream...all riding is good riding...See you there...Garry

brushfiremedia said...

How was the ride? It was beautiful up here at Sugarloaf. Sorry to have missed the ride, though!