Sunday, September 14, 2008

New Discussion Board

As good as the Blog is for posting information to keep all our members and non-members up-to-date with rides and events, I thought it was time to start a discussion board.

We have talked about this for a while now but it's never come to fruition for a couple reasons. Our intent was to make this blog a way for people to comment on news and information but it doesn't seem to be working that way.

The discussion board is for all riders to communicate more effectively with other members and perhaps non-members. Please feel free to use this discussion board to post news items or rides you'd like to organize. However, it is our intent that this be a positive form of communication. We are a community club and we want to make sure we keep that spirit in mind when posting.

There are a couple ways to stay informed of posting on the discussion board:

1.) Use the RSS feed in Google Reader. This is most effective and is updated readily with all your subscriptions. (I use this to digest a lot of sites throughout the day and it's very effective and efficient.)

2.) Subscribe through email notification. This isn't quite as effective but it will notify you once a day (midnight I think) on new messages that have been added to the site.

3.) Keep checking back regularly.

Keep in mind that this blog is not being replaced by the discussion board. This blog will still be updated regularly with pertinent information, newsletters. So don't forget to keep checking back here - or better yet, add it to your Google Reader if you haven't done so already!

Now, go look at the discussion board. You can find it here:



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