Saturday, July 26, 2008

Sunday Coffee Ride at 8AM


Greg and Russ, after a day in the Whites on Saturday, are leading a coffee ride to Yarmouth on Sunday morn. Start time is 8AM, from the tennis courts at Payson Park, Portland. After the Yarmouth stop, any or all or none of us can decide to continue riding farther [but maybe not faster], or returning to Portland. This is an ideal ride for our Urban Epic riders, or anyone recovering from a long Saturday ride in the heat and sun.



Dana said...

Wow. Lesson learned. I missed out on a nice ride with some great guys because I didn't check the blog. Damn! Let this be a lesson to others as well!!!

I'm out of town this weekend. Anyone up for a coffee ride August 10th? (Weather permitting of course...)

Jeff S said...

Is this happening again tomorrow by any chance?

Dana said...

I won't be there. If there is no coffee ride, feel free to contact Kris Clark about a 50-miler at 10am. (