Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Upcoming Rides this Week

I think we are all in the habit of our Monday and Thursday night ride routines at this point but this is just a friendly reminder. Rides are still leaving at 5:30. Thursday night we finally have a B-group. It's suggested that the B-riders leave a few minutes after the A-group so as to keep together more and not chase the A-riders. (B-riders will take an abbreviated loop that might extend and vary as the daylight increases.)

Don't forget about the ride Saturday morning, though not to be confused with the Portland Velo and the SMCC Saturday morning rides. This is a much more leisurely paced ride and the route varies. Contact Bryan Lewis for details if you are interested.

We keep talking of a Sunday morning rides. The route will vary weekly. However, it might be a small crowd this week with the LL Bean Time Trial taking place. Contact Kris Clark for details regarding this ride.

Next week the Women's Only ride will start up. It will depart Back Bay Bicycle at 6pm. The first few weeks it will be an easy 15-mile ride (up Ocean/Middle Road to Tuttle and back Routes 88 and 1). Spread the word! All ability levels welcome! There seems to be some excitement about a women's only ride. For more details, email Dana McEwan.

Finally, it seems there are a few that are trying to establish a Wednesday night ride from the South Portland High School on Highland Avenue at 5:30. This will follow the Highland Ave/Blackpoint Road loop to Prout's Neck and back Spurwink/Route 77 and Shore Road, if there is interest. Contact Spencer Reed if this is your kind of ride.

Hope you are all riding as much as your schedule allows!

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