Wednesday, February 6, 2008

February 05, 2008 Meeting Recap

The 2nd Annual Community Ride, which benefits The Bike Shop, is scheduled for Sunday, May 18th and will depart from Whole Foods at 10am. There will be a 4-mile, 25-mile, and 50-mile option. Registration will be $20.00 with a pre-registration option available. This ride is supported by Whole Foods Market who will be providing food and volunteers. It proves to be a great event and we hope you will all plan to attend. Wear your club kit to show we support the Bike Shop!!

Speaking of club kit, order forms are due to Kris by February 14th. We know it’s an early order this year and with the recent snow storms it’s hard to think about ordering club kit right now. But we urge you to do so. There are many more people that haven’t ordered than have ordered. We do plan to order a few extra pieces of the kit. However, if you are waiting to purchase the extras that are ordered, remember that many others might be as well. The likelihood of you being able to purchase what you want, in the size you need, might be pretty slim if you wait. So please, if you think you might like a jersey or any of the other cool gear, place your order with Kris, even if you can’t come up with the 50% deposit at this time. It’s better to have your request in then not to have the new cool CCCP kit!

The reason for the early order is to ensure the arrival of the club kit for the 5th Annual CCCP Memorial Day White Mountain Classic, schedule for May 26th, and to be worn by the club members who are participating in The Trek Across Maine (June 13-16) as a team. (Email Dana or Tracey with details if you are interested in joining them.)

The new kit is being redesigned slightly to look similar to the Priority Health Racing Team kit, with some modifications so it’s not identical. Richard has done an outstanding job with the design and we think you’ll all be pleased. If you are interested in seeing the basic design, you can check out photos of Priority Health Racing Team here.

43 day 'til spring! Group rides will be starting up before you know it. Stay tuned for ride details as they become available.


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