Monday, January 28, 2008
NEWSLETTER - January 27th, 2008
First off, a couple reminders.
1. JOIN UP, folks! It's time to renew your CCCP membership. If you didn't receive a form, email me and I'll send one out to you. There are also forms at the bike shop, so you can stop by and sign up there Mon-Sat, 10-6pm (5pm Saturdays). If you have already mailed your membership in, you can now pick up your new membership card at the shop.
2. More urgently, ORDER your cool, spankin' NEW 2008 CCCP Jersey, Bibs, Shorts NOW!!!!! This is the only guaranteed way you will get what you want in the size you want. Though we always order a few extras, we always run out and there end up being members and even non-members who are disappointed to not have the coolest (and most comfortable, I might add) club kits in town. Fly your colors! Also, the larger the clubs order, the cheaper the club can get them for.
Email me for an order form if you don't have it and mail it, preferably to me (Kris Clark, 129 Emery St, Portland, ME 04102) mail or drop at the bike shop. The shop has forms as well if you want to just fill one out there. A 50% deposit is preferred so that we can order some extras, but if you are absolutely sure you want one, but are waiting for your government's Economic Stimulus Tax Rebate check because your wallet is a bit light at the moment (with this year's heating bills, whose isn't), just put your order in without a deposit (you can even e-mail the order form), but GET IT IN SOON! You can pay for it when they come in.
I originally said Jan 31st for a deadline, but let's say Valentine's Day, Feb 14th as final date for orders. We will then get them by late April. After that, you gotta take your chances that there might be an extra in your size. NOTE: Giordana has a 10 minimum on each garment type. If we do not get at least 5 orders for either the sleeveless or long sleeve jerseys or for the regular shorts, we may not order any. Bib shorts, short-sleeve jerseys, gloves and socks are no problem. THEREFORE, if you are ordering one of these items indicate a second choice by printing ALT (alternative) under Quantity of your second choice so that we can order one for you if the minimum is not met.. We won't order both, I promise. If you only want that item and don't want an alternative then print ONLY under the quantity of that garment. Your phone number is important as well in case we have questions.
3. One of the best things about last year were the great CCCP Special Events Rides that different members lead. We hope to continue and expand on that tradition this year. We would love to do one every Sunday as we started doing last fall. PLEASE, please consider picking a Sunday this summer and commit to leading a ride on your favorite bike route or perhaps even a new one. Rides do not have to leave from the shop so if you want to ride in a different part of Maine we can meet somewhere else or at the shop and carpool. With our new blog, our website and the newsletter, we can always update, change or even cancel a ride if something comes up or you want to design the route later, but just pick a Sunday and let me know. If you decide between now and Thursday you can even get it in the Bike Coalition printed calendar as their deadline is Feb 1st Go to Calendar then Add Event at I have already entered my big ride, the Fifth Annual CCCP White Mountain Memorial Day Classic (Monday, May 26th, 9am, Fryeburg Library. Mark your calendars now.) but plan to lead a couple more Sundays as well.
4. Our next CCCP Winter Social is TUESDAY, FEB 5th, 6:00PM at '"da Gaaahduns", 371 Forest Avenue. Come join us for a beer and fantasizing about the upcoming season.
Speaking of socializing, I am throwing another dance party at SPACE Gallery ( on Saturday, February 23rd so you are all invited. I was pleased that at last party I had in September a whole contingent of you women cyclists/triathletes were heating up the dance floor! Color invite in next newsletter.
5. Finally, Derek Buckspan, who just renewed his CCCP corporate sponsorship, (Thank you Derek) asked me to mention this benefit he is helping organize. The Nature Conservancy does great work, so here it is:
Hi Kris,
I am involved in helping The Nature Conservancy
educate people in the Portland area about what they do.? I am currently helping TNC plan an event for this spring; it is scheduled for April 17th at the new Ship terminal in downtown Portland. It's basically cocktails and appetizers, but there will be information on The Nature Conservancy projects across the State.
There will also be info on future activities and service opportunities.
I wanted to extend the invitation to any of the CCCP members who may be interested.
For those interested, please send me an email with your contact info
Thanks in advance,
Derrick Buckspan
RE/MAX By The Bay
direct. 207.553.7357
fax. 866.552.7511
~ Kris
Sunday, January 27, 2008
More on Bike Commuting
1 said he/she always bike commutes
2 said they often bike commute
7 said the occasionally bike commute
1 said they never bike commute
Perhaps we can convince the one that never commutes to give it a try sometime!
So check out the next poll. We'll keep the bike commuting theme for another week.
An Apology with a Good Excuse
All in all, it has been good incentive for many of us that have been a bit challenged with our weight on the bike. I won't tell you who has entered into this contest but suffice it to say you will see a bit less of some of us come spring! Everyone seems to be off to a good start and we have until May 4th when the contest ends to see who loses the largest percentage of weight.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
January 15th Meeting Minutes
Two rounds of beers, possibly three.
Three orders of nachos and one order of Thai Peanut Wings.
Discussions were as follows, and in no particular order:
Membership forms/club kit forms
League of American Bicyclists
Russ's Birthday
Last weekend's ride
Winter spin classes and trainers
Weight gain and weight loss
Austrailian Open
Heart Rate Monitors/Power meters
New bikes/frames (some have them and some are in the market)
Scotty's upcoming Duathlons/Triathlons
Winter cycling tires
Club kit designs
Starting a Forest Garden Bike Pool
Reminisced of a dear friend who has left us and last year's group rides
I know I missed some other topics discussed at the other end of the table and perhaps those parties can fill in the missing blanks.
We also managed to sing an embarrassing rendition of Happy Birthday to Russ just before he left. However we failed to sing to the late, great, Martin Luther King, Jr.
Next meeting, which the date has yet to be determined but we all agree will be soon, will be held at Forest Gardens. So if you weren't able to join us this time, consider joining us again. We have lots of laughs and it's great to get together with other club members in the off season to talk of cycling and other non-cycling topics.
Monday, January 14, 2008
CCCP's New Year!
It has been awhile since the last newsletter, but I'm hoping that the New year finds you well and in better shape than I am. I swim a couple times a week, but without the incentive to not get dropped that comes from group rides, I just don't push myself as much. Mostly, however, I just miss seeing all of you on a regular basis.
Now that we are the Community Cycling Club of Portland I miss our wonderful community. Fortunately, thanks to Dana, we have been able to keep in touch digitally if not in person. Bookmark this address post haste!
So a brand new year, a new riding season, a new blog, a new president in November, Hallelujah!, for some lucky members a new bike and for all of you a chance for brand new 2008 CCCP jerseys and shorts.
But, first things first! I'm talking about your brand new 2008 CCCP Membership. It's time to renew everyone! Membership of only $20 offers you so much:
1.) All CCCP clothing and accessories at or below cost. Non-members pay cost plus 80%.
2.) 15% discount on all parts and accessories as well as 10 % off of all bikes over $1500 at Back Bay Bicycle.
3.) Supplemental medical insurance on any CCCP ride.
4.) Feeling good about supporting The Bike Shop, HEADCASES Youth helmet Program (20% of all memberships and corporate sponsorship goes to free helmets), The Bike Coalition of Maine and the League of American Bicyclists.
5.) Fabulous weekly rides, Special Rides, Benefit Rides, apres rides, Season End Party, and wonderful new and old friendships.
Join the Community! Join the fun! Join or renew CCCP by emailing me for a membership form if you did not receive it via my newletter email. You can also sign up at Back Bay Bike, 333 Forest Ave, Portland.
So, now that you have joined or renewed, you can order CCCP's brand new 2008 Jerseys, shorts, bibs and gloves. Again, email me if you haven't receive the form via email. You can order at Back Bay as well, but it is better to mail the form to me directly.
Last but not least, CCCP will be having an informal meeting this Tuesday, January 15th at 6:00pm at The Great Lost, Forest Ave, Portland. By a happy coincidence the 15th will also be Russ Boisvert's birthday, as well as Martin Luther King Day, so come join us for a beer and spring planning. By another happy circumstance, Tuesdays are also 'short' night at the Bear so all beers are 22 ounces.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Bike Commuting
Saturday, January 12, 2008
A Great Ride
It was a nice reminder of past rides and of rides to come. I think we were all glad we decided to take advantage of a warm, sunny Saturday in mid-January to experience the joys of a bike ride with friends.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Saturday Ride
If anyone is interested in joining me, please email me at or contact me on my cell phone - 776-1453. (Please leave a message if I don't answer. We can meet at BBB at 10am and depart from there. If I don't hear from anyone I will assume it to be a solo ride and leave directly from my house.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Weekend Rides
As I listened to the forecast for the weekend it made me think of riding a real bike outside this weekend. If anyone else has the same thoughts and are looking for riders to join them, email me with all the details and I'll be sure to post it here for you.
Russ's birthday is Tuesday. (Happy Birthday!!) He talked of a birthday ride back in October if the weather cooperated. Any thoughts Russ? Perhaps an early birthday ride?
Only 71 days until spring! With the time change taking place on March 9th, it is conceivable to have the first Monday night ride take place on March 10th, a mere 8 1/2 weeks away! (The glass is half full comrades!)
~Dana or
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
CCCP Meeting
Sunday, January 6, 2008
New Year's Resolution Poll Results
5 votes for losing weight
0 votes for leading the pack Thursday nights
3 votes for riding more miles than 2007
4 votes for keeping up with the pack Thursday nights
2 votes to drink more beer at Forest Gardens.
Check out this week's poll to the right. It's geared towards logging your rides. Which begs the other question, do you use a training log of some sort? If so, what do you use. Some use a notebook or computer spreadsheet. Others use on line resources to track their rides. So if you do, comment here to tell us what you use. Perhaps there is a really good one that someone hasn't heard of yet.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Thought many of you might enjoy seeing this picture. I didn't notice it until Tracey pointed it out. I found it on a blog that I read - Cyclelicious.