With the weather as warm as it was over the weekend I'm curious if anyone ventured out on a ride? The roads were certainly clear enough for it, when it warmed in the middle of the day. So if you rode, either this weekend or earlier in the week, kindly tell us about it and where you went. We'd love to hear the details! (Hallucinations on the trainer in the basement don't count!)
I got the beater (the old, slow overweight bike....we have a lot in common) out and put about 20 miles on it. I had to clean some sand off the components from my last ride before going out.
I hit the Spurwink Rd in Cape to Eastman, Sawyer, Hillman to Highland, over to Pleasant Hill, down to the Fogg Rd, over to Black Point and down to Prout's Neck. Back up to rt 77 to Kettle Cove, then back up to Cape's town center.
It felt good after a while, but the first three hills on Spurwink felt like mountains.
Way better than an hour and a half on the trainer.
Sounds like a nice ride Jeff! Funny to think that little climbs can seem so mountainous after being off the bike for a while, eh?
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