Sunday, December 16, 2007


So, it is a snowy day and I am sitting on the couch. New Year's is approaching and I need some help. I am feeling a little "doughy" of late and need to lose some weight before I am seen out on the road again in spandex (sorry to all of those who see me in spandex in spin class). I was wondering if anyone out there might like to join me in a bit of a weight loss "competition". Friendly competition of course (as we are no longer the "competitive"CCP)! I know most of you out there have no need for this, so you can disregard this posting.

Here is my plan: I get a group of people who want to join me. We start by putting in $10 each. Competition runs Monday January 7 until the end of April. Weekly weigh-ins that will be reported to me (honor system please) each Monday. Winner is the person who has lost the greatest % of body weight and that person gets the money at the end. The more people, the bigger the prize. I can keep track and email out the weigh in totals each week, if folks so choose. If needed, we can have "code names" if you dare not put your name next to your weight!

Email me at if you are interested!



Dana said...

Okay, you can count me in, much to my chagrin. Nothing else has worked for me in the past 4 years so what have I got to lose, pun intended. I just hope I don't end up GAINING weight instead!


Spencer said...

I'm in! And I am going to win!

Unknown said...

I would like to play too. But I would also like to axe that result be based on total weight lost not percentage. I've got more meat on my bones.
Because I will still weigh significantly more than most, if not all of you, even after an equal (and we all need to be healthy about this too) loss of unneeded fat: I lose. So in order to win, I might have to approach this from an unhealthy direction.
Having said that, I don’t think any of us that obsessed with winning that we would do that, I just think that the percentage aspect penalizes those of us that are naturally heavier.
And for what it is worth, I have already begun and have lost a little more than four pounds in the last week and a half.

Dana said...

Given Jim's recent comment, perhaps we should have everyone come up with an individual weight loss goal instead. This way they won't have to announce their weight (for those of us who are sensative about sharing that number, and by us I mean me) but can just report, HONESTLY, about how many pounds they have lost from week to week. Would that work better for everyone? Just a thought. I don't care how it works, as long as it works, and is fair for everyone.

Dana said...

Jim, I want to know how you can lose 4 pounds and work in the restaurant industry!!! Do tell!

Anonymous said...

I was thinking that percentage of body weight lost would be helpful as it will be harder for someone 140 lbs to lose 15 pounds than someone 200. We can take a vote when we have a group committed to see what everyone would like to do. I would be up for either way!

I got an email from Robert and he says he is in too! C'mon folks, we need some more people to make this interesting ( and keep us honest and committed for 4 months!). The more the merrier and the bigger the prize!


Jeff S said...

I'm at 255 now, having already lost 30 lbs since July. My target is 230. That means I have a goal of 25 to lose.

It also means that for me to lose 10% is 25.5 lbs, which if most of y'all lost, your navel would fall out your backsides.

We could do total weight lost, or percent of goal or (and I like this the best) split the prize between the person who loses the most and the person who loses the best percent of goal.

Jeff S said...

Oh and do I have to wait till 1/7 to start losing weight? Or can I go jump on the trainer now?

Dana said...

Don't be so quick to judge Jeff! I could stand to lose 15-20 pounds and my navel certainly would not fall out my backside.

You certainly don't have to wait for January 7th. We applaud your efforts so far. Care to share your secrets??

Jeff S said...

Secret? It's an ancient and tightly held secret that marketing companies do not want out there for the common folk to learn.

Eat less and exercise more.

Spend as much time as you can get away with on your bike. Eat slowly and stop eating when you're full instead of when the food runs out.

That's it. Nothing mysterious.