Friday, September 27, 2024

9/28 Saturday Ride

I am out of town this weekend to play a little rugby, but Theresa has graciously volunteered to step in to lead. But you know what that means: Theresa likes hills!

The route will be Hilly Pineland-Hodgdon (it's actually 53 miles--this is an old map), but the good news is the hills are front-loaded so, by the time you're refilling your bottles at Pinelands, most of the work will be over and you can enjoy the ride home!

Cool temps and light winds should make for a great day—wheels roll at 8:00.

Friday, September 20, 2024

9/21 Saturday Ride

I will be working with the Dempsey Challenge folks tomorrow, but will leave this course for the morning.

Wheels roll at 8:00.

Friday, September 13, 2024

9/14 Saturday Ride

We've gone south and west the last few weeks so it's time to head north again. 

Our ride will be the Roads Less Traveled 58 miler, which takes us out past Pinelands (NO Long Hill or Depot Rd) and along the pretty North Pownal Road. If you want to make it shorter, you can cut across North Road from Pinelands for 40 miles.

Saturday looks like it's going to be just about perfect, so I'll see you at 8:00

PS: CBBC is doing a metric- and full century tomorrow, starting in Biddeford, leaving at 7:30. It's probably a bit late to commit to now, but have a look--this might be something we can do in the future if we have the interest. CBBC York County Century

Friday, September 6, 2024

9/7 Saturday Ride

Well now--it seems to be someone's birthday again (funny how those seem to happen like clockwork) and she needs to log 63 miles this year. The tourists are gone, so I've made some modifications to the Old Orchard Beach route. You can choose the standard 51-mile course, or cross the river and add on a 12-mile loop to Fortune's Rocks. 

The weather looks seasonable, so we'll see you at 8:00.