Time for coffee!
We have a little less climbing this week but a significant jump in miles, but we have muffins and coffee to keep us inspired. It's about 37 miles to Little Dog (now The Abbey) on Maine St in Brunswick and 27 miles home to burn them off. If we don't like The Abbey, we can try Reverie or the Bohemian Coffee House on the way out of town. It's about the same distance to Wild Oats, but a few more miles home. We are definitely stopping for a snack either way, so pack some cash.
This is our most versatile course with myriad permutations so, whatever your legs feel like or whatever your time constraints, there's a loop in here for you. I've included five options below, so click the route of your choice and load it up or make up one of your own. We've been able to break into A and B groups the last few weeks, which has made it a good ride for everyone.
It's going to be a long day so, barring a change in the weather, let's start at 8:00.
May 11
May 18
May 25
Memorial Day