Friday, August 25, 2023

8/26 Saturday Ride

I'm back, and I need a nice day in the countryside. Who's up for something new? 

I admit up front, I'm not sure I've ever done this ride before, even though I mapped it a long time ago, so how about a little adventuring? Most roads we've done at some point or other, but they're tied together in a unique way here. If anyone knows of any road work we should be aware of, be sure to speak up.

The roads will likely be wet when we start, but the skies should be dry for the duration. See you at 8:00.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

8/19 Saturday Ride

Bruce Jacobs says he'll take the lead on this SMR (hopefully the last one I'm conflicted out of—I miss you guys!).

He'd like to take a pedal out to Salmon Falls, (49-miles), staying on the eastern side of the river this time. 

Ride leaves at 8:00.

Friday, August 11, 2023

8/12 Saturday Ride

Tomorrow looks fine as frog hairs: 65°-75°, just a whisper of wind, and a few of Bob Ross' happy clouds. I will be very sorry to miss it!

I will post the Highland Lake loop and leave it to you to choose either this or one from earlier--I don't know the last time the group rode, so last week may still be valid. Of course, you can always select from the library if something else suits better.

8:00 start.

Friday, August 4, 2023

8/5 Saturday Ride

I have returned from the Great Midwestern Oven (Iowa), but I have to ride the Bike MS fundraiser tomorrow. Nonetheless, it would be a shame to waste a perfectly good Saturday. To that end I will post Pinelands via Winn, 231, Hodgdon and Hilly Pineland—there's just a couple of miles' difference between them, but about 400 additional feet of climbing in the latter. You can select hills or flat in the morning based on who shows. 

I will also be out next weekend and could use a bunny wrangler, so let me know if you're available. Ride leaves at 8:00.