Wednesday, May 31, 2023

6/3 Saturday Ride


The weather appears to be cooperating and staying dry, if unseasonably cool (shout out to Christian for sharing this weather app!). The roads will still be wet, I’m afraid, but let’s go for it. If it looks we’ll get rain again before noon, we’ll pivot to a shorter route. See you at 8:00.

Saturday, May 27, 2023

Memorial Day White Mountain Ride


The weekend is here and the weather looks perfect! I called the various towns to ensure Hurricane and Peaks are, indeed, open, so we are good to go. Remember: the cutoff for Hurricane comes before your legs are even warm, so make your route decisions before we start. If you haven't clicked the Hurricane checkbox yet, this looks like the perfect weekend for it, so choose your course below and you're ready for a great day!

This is a self-supported ride, so have adequate snacks and come with cash/credit: we'll stop at Pinkham Notch Visitor Center for lunch where you can puchase some additional calories and a Coke.

We roll out from Weston's Beach in Fryeburg, ME at 9:00

If you're not making the trip to Fryeburg but want a ride, take a peek at the new Route Library I've added—one-stop shopping for all our common rides.

Memorial Day

With Hurricane Mtn Road

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

5/27 Saturday Ride

Our training series is now complete and our Legs of Steel are ready for Memorial Day! In the interests of keeping the legs loose (and having a ride for those not heading to the White Mountains) I offer some options for Saturday. 

Personally, last year showed that there is a fine line between "keeping loose" and "I really should have stayed on the couch," so I still have some decision-making to do. Bruce has volunteered to take the lead should I decide to pass, so plan to meet at 8:00 and pick a route for the morning, and I'll see what I'm up for. 

If you were interested in something longer (or shorter), take a peek at the new Route Library I've added—one-stop shopping for all our common rides.

Memorial Day
White Mountains Ride Map

With Hurricane Mtn Road

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

5/20 Saturday Ride

 Legs Of Steel, Week 5


To beat the rain, ride starts at 8:00

Memorial Day Tune-up: Raymond Hills

This weekend we have the ever-challenging Raymond Hills loop, featuring six Cat-5 climbs totaling 4000' of climbing. 

The temps look to top out around 70° in Raymond, and Saturday appears to be the better day of the weekend so far. Plan well, as refueling stops are few and far between:

  • Intervale Market at New Gloucester Rd (mile 14)
  • Dunkin before we climb White Oak Hill Rd (small detour down Rte 26 at mile 26) 
  • Circle K at N Raymond Rd and Rte 26 (mile 48)

We start at Mabel I Wilson SchoolI don't have vetted alternate routes, but this appears to be a possibility. It is untested and offered without warrantee, either expressed or implied, but it offers 44 miles, 2200 ft of climbing, and you still get to tackle Valley Road. Be sure your phone is charged—I have no idea what's out there (Outlet/Quarry Rds).

If you have not been with us on our recent series of longer and hillier rides (or just want something shorter/flatter this week), take a scroll thru our past rides (listed in the Blog Archive, lower right)—something should spark your interest.

We will plan to start at 8:30, but I'll be keeping an eye on the weather: if Saturday's weather changes, I am willing to adjust times or bump to Sunday if that turns out to be the better day. Stay tuned.

May 27

Highland Lake Map

Memorial Day
White Mountains Ride Map

With Hurricane Mtn Road

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

5/13 Saturday Ride

Legs Of Steel, Week 4.

Freeport via Hilly Pinelands

The work is largely front-loaded on this route so, if you pick one of the shorter variations, you will still get most of the climbing in on the way to Pinelands (@ 2200'). From there:

  • The red route takes us out into the farmlands on N Pownal Rd before we turn south and head for Freeport
  • The orange route returns via the pretty Hodgdon Rd
  • The green takes 231 to North Rd, Memorial Hwy, and Sligo

There are myriad variations home from Pinelands, so pick a route and load it up. 

It's another long day so, barring a change in the weather, let's start at 8:00.

May 20

Raymond Hills Map

May 27

Highland Lake Map

Memorial Day

White Mountains Ride Map

With Hurricane Mtn Road

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

5/6 Saturday Ride

Legs Of Steel, Week 3.

It's time for coffee—here we come, Little Dog Cafe! It's 35 miles up to coffee and muffins, and 26 home to burn them off (the move to Glickman shaved a few miles off)—heckuva deal!

However, if you have less time (or legs) for the full route, there are myriad shorter routes, three of which are linked below—click the route of your choice and load it up.

It's going to be a long day so, barring a change in the weather, let's start at 8:00.

May 13

May 20

May 27

Memorial Day