I can’t see us staying dry with any route other than maybe the MNR to Cousins, which doesn’t appeal to me this morning. For those interested, I would recommend that, but I’m going to step out. Maybe next week.
Well, the weather woobies appear to be in disagreement about tomorrow's forecast, so it's best to post something, in case it all works out.
Let's try the Pineland ride that we didn't do a few weeks back—if we do get caught by rain, we can be warm and enjoying coffee and muffins while we wait for rides home. There's the skinny way or the hilly way, depending on your whim and the rain. An 8:00 start gives us the best chance for success, I think, but, fair warning, if I wake and find rain expected by 9:00, I'm rolling over and pulling up the covers. See you at the school.