Friday, August 26, 2022

8/26 Saturday Ride

Tomorrow is supposed to be perfect: mid-70s, low humidity, partly cloudy. I feel like we should go inland while it's cooler, but have this feeling that there might be interest in Freeport/Brunswick, so I'll post a pair and we can pick in the morning. See you at 8:00.



Friday, August 19, 2022

8/20 Saturday Ride

I’m a little indecisive today, so I’ll offer a couple of options. First choice is a quick loop toward Highland Lake (@ 32 miles) or up to Sebago (@ 45). Or overrule me--whatevs. See you at 8:00.

Friday, August 12, 2022

8/13 Saturday Ride

It's been a week. Someone asked how my day was going and I answered, "Well, my hair's on fire and my ass is catching, but the creek's still rising, so it still might all work out."

I will post the Buxton-Bar Mills kidney but freely state that I am highly susceptible to peer pressure--if you want something different in the morning, feel free to say so then.

Friday, August 5, 2022

8/6 Saturday Ride

I will be riding in the Bike MS event tomorrow, so Bruce has volunteered to take the lead again. We have a new one for tomorrow—some sections you know, some are new, and there are a number of shortcuts if anyone needs to reduce mileage. It’s going to be a warm one, so have two bottles and some snacks, but there are a few refueling spots along the way to help. Wheels roll at 8:00.