Thursday, April 28, 2022

4/30 Saturday Ride

This weekend, we'll be heading up to Sebago Lake and back thru Gorham.
Wheels roll at 8:00.

All rides depart from Payson Park, except Raymond Hills and Memorial Day.
See the Tech Tips link above for help downloading maps to your Garmin.


Memorial Day Tune-up Series
5 Rides to Legs of Steel!

April 23
April 30

May 7

May 14

May 21

May 28

Memorial Day

The big kahuna!
82 miles, 4,000ft elev gain!

Friday, April 22, 2022

4/23 Saturday Ride

And so it begins...

We are six weeks out from Memorial Day Weekend, so it's time to start our annual tune-up series. We will steadily increase distance and climbing for the next five weeks, enjoy a lighter ride on the 28th, just to keep our legs loose, and arrive in Fryberg on Memorial Day with Legs Of Steel!

This weekend, let's try the OOB/Saco loop, as that will be off the table once the tourists get here. We'll plan to stop at Saco Variety for a snack along the way. The rest of the schedule is laid out below. It's a bit chilly in the morning, so let's start at 9:00 , since we'll be along the beaches.

April 30

May 7

May 14

May 21

May 28

Memorial Day

Friday, April 15, 2022

4/16 Saturday Ride

The weather looks to be cooperative for a morning ride: it should be about 50° at 8:00, and the rain is supposed to hold off until noon.

We'll be starting the Memorial Day Tune-up Series in the next week or two, and it's been a month since our last trip to Freeport, so let's go visit the BFI again. We have two courses: the regular, 31-mile course to Freeport, or a modified 41-mile course. Sorry, I don't have a Strava subscription, and they've closed all the route creation doorways.

Meet at the upper Payson lot; wheels roll at 8:00.

Friday, April 8, 2022

4/10 Sunday Ride UPDATE

A little rain might be sneaking in tomorrow noonish, so let’s go at 9:00 and plan of the Highland Lake loop; we can add some miles on the front end, if needed.

Friday, April 1, 2022

4/2 Saturday Ride

You know, we didn’t do Mitchell Hill even once last year—seems like we’re overdue to take on The Wall. Let’s try the traditional route, which should be about 44 miles, but we can shave a few if we don’t go to Prout’s Neck. If you cut off the tour of Cape, it will save about 14 miles. Download both routes in case you’re indecisive. FAIR WARNING: I may not be able to go tomorrow, so I need a Bunny Wrangler…

It looks like the temp will get favorable around 10:00 tomorrow, so let’s start then; remember, we’re meeting at the upper lot in Payson Park. 

FAIR WARNING: I may not be able to go tomorrow, so I need a Bunny Wrangler…