Friday, August 27, 2021

8/28 Saturday Ride

The weekend looks a lot nicer than last, so I have to get my Diabetes Century in, so tomorrow will be interesting.

I've decided to get both the Saturday ride and the century done at the same time, using two intersecting loops. The first loop looks like this, heading out to Sebago and back down through Gorham. This is where you come in:

After we return to the church, loop two looks like this:

Or like this--depending on my mood (at which point I will jump into Range Pond to cool off):

If anyone's feeling up to a little extra, feel free to join me. Regardless, see you at 8:00.

Thursday, August 19, 2021

8/21 Saturday Ride

It looks like it's going to be a warm one on Saturday, and I have a century on Sunday, so I'm posting a tame ride for this week, out around Highland Lake

See you at the church at 8:00.

Friday, August 13, 2021

8/14 Saturday Ride

Well, the weather is being iffy, so I will toss out some options. The first is the North Windham route we considered but didn't do a couple weeks back, and the other would have to be something to keep us closer to the coast if the rain comes in early: Mitchell Hill? Pinelands? Highland Lake? This would be a perfect day to do Freeport/Brunswick, but three times in five weeks is jus too much!

Friday, August 6, 2021

8/7 Saturday Ride

Seeking Wild Oats!

I will be participating in the MS charity ride, so Theresa has agreed to lead tomorrow. Her route of choice will head up to Wild Oats in Brunswick. The full route is 70 miles, but there are plenty of smaller routes built into it (35, 50, 55, 65)--whatever your legs or time are ready for, there's a loop for you!

Meet at the church; wheels roll @ 8:00.