Friday, September 27, 2019

9/28 Saturday Ride

I am riding in Sunday's Dempsey Challenge and so will not be leading a ride this Saturday. That doesn't prevent everyone else from going without me, though, and it's going to be a nice day--I wouldn't miss it. We continue to lose daylight for our weekly rides, so I would take advantage of the sunlight and warm temps!

Friday, September 20, 2019

9/21 Saturday Ride

Due to the super-fun rides available both Saturday and Sunday, there will be no SMR this week. I am planning to pedal the Loon Echo on Saturday (8:30 at Shawnee Peak), while Sunday features the PVC Fall Fundo. It's going to be a fabulous weekend for riding--maybe our last this nice--so get out there!

Thursday, September 12, 2019

9/14 Saturday Ride

It’s time for the Raymond Hills! We’ll start at Mable Wilson School in Cumberland at 8:30. There appears to be some rain in the forecast, so I’ll be watching—if we have to punt to Sunday, I will. If you have a preference right now, tell me.