Friday, March 29, 2019

3/30 Saturday Ride ==UPDATE==

Saturday morning 8:00-11:00 looks to be about 40° and dry--Let's give it a go.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

3/30 Saturday Ride--Maybe

I was so hopeful earlier in the week--it looked like the weekend was going to be dry and warm. It looks considerably less like that now. I will continue to watch the weather and see how things progress and, if Sunday looks better, I'm willing to push off to get a nice ride in.

We'll want to fly low and slow on our first outing, so a spin up to Freeport seems a good place to start.

John reports that the road by the radio tower is a construction mess right now, so let's plan to meet in Payson Park, up at the little parking lot by the football field and sledding hill.

Do your best non-rain dance until then!