Friday, November 22, 2019

11/23 Saturday Ride

It looks like the winds will die down in time for Saturday, so let's head to Saco while we can. I am out of town this weekend but Bruce has agreed to lead the ride. He'll be taking the route backwards, so it's out to Westbrook first and return via the coast.

The full Saco route, including Boom Road (so pretty) is 51 miles, but I've plotted a nice alternative: there's a cutoff onto Flag Pond Road at mile 18 that will shorten the route to 41 miles, if you're so inclined. Load them both, and happy riding (and maybe load the original route, in case you change your minds)!

Full Route:

Flag Pond Cutoff:

Friday, November 15, 2019

11/16 Saturday Ride


The only two votes we have are for Sunday, so let’s look to then, 10:00.

No matter which day or what time we might try to ride this weekend, we will likely be looking up at 30°. Are there any gamers out there, or am I hitting the trail with the dog? Speak now!

Friday, November 8, 2019

11/10 SUNDAY Ride

With Saturday temperatures looking up at reasonable for most of the day, I've decided to kick the ride to Sunday, which should remain solidly in the mid-40s if we go with a 10:00 start, though it may still be breezy, so plan for that.

I'll put out two options: Highland Lake is about 38 miles with lots of bail-out points if you've just misjudged the day:

Mitchell Hill is around 42 miles and will wrap us out to Cape Elizabeth where we'll have that breeze I mentioned. Once we get past Gorham Country Club, you're pretty much committed for the ride (though you can skip the coast and take the Greenbelt back):

Friday, November 1, 2019

11/2 Saturday Ride

Well, isn't tomorrow looking chilly! I propose we push the ride to a 9:30 start, when it should be 40° instead of 32°. The cooler temps encourage me to do a 40-miler as opposed to a 50 but, other than that, I'm open to suggestions--Pinelands, Freeport, Cape, or westward--someplace with coffee mid-way would certainly help our numbers, so send me suggestions!

Friday, October 25, 2019

10/26 Saturday Ride

I am still away, friends, so will not be available tomorrow. However, knowing you only could have done one course last week means the other course is valid for this week (see what I did there?). It should be dry in the morning and offer another lovely fall day to ride bikes, so I leave you to last week’s remainder and wish you a good ride!

Friday, October 18, 2019

10/19 Saturday Ride

After all that blow and bluster, it looks like Saturday is going to be a great day for a ride. Unfortunately, I am out of town on business and will miss it all! That said, I can still offer a course for the day.

We haven't been out to Westbrook all season, so there's that (watch that little bit on River Road)

or, for just a couple more miles, how about Mitchell Hill?

Friday, October 11, 2019

10/13 Merrymeeting Metric Century

The last event ride of the regular season is upon us and the day should be perfect--unlike Saturday, which looks to be decidedly wet. I am once again throwing over Saturday for the event ride, so let's go get some muffins in Richmond! This is a great ride, and the weather will be more than accommodating--we leave from Fight Deck Brewing in Brunswick at 9:00; the route is linked to the map below.