Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Spring Season Begins!

Don't look now, but it's beginning to look like winter is going to shuffle it's disappointing self off and leave us to get back to the fun of the road, so here are the pertinents as they now stand:


CCCP Club Rides officially start April 1! Weekly rides will be starting at 5:30; we will adjust the length as light allows, but it seemed too difficult for people try to make an earlier start time. Please be sure to have lights and dress for falling temps.

Saturday rides will start at 9-10:00 until the weather starts warming up. Let me know in the comments if you have a preference. I will not be in town on Sat, April 2nd, so I will leave it to Bruce and Greg to make the call on an official ride (weather permitting).


We had an offer from Paul last season to do a destination ride up in the Boothbay area, and I was thinking a similar jaunt down to the Kennebunks would be fun. Since rides like these would work better with smaller groups, planning them for the early season seems a good idea. I think we'll still have a manageable number through middle-late June. I want to use the weeks prior to Memorial Day as lead-up training for the White Mountain Ride but, properly placed, we should be able to do one before and one after. I'd like to get some input from you: good idea/bad idea? Other destinations? Let's hear it!

Watch this space, friends: there have been a few impromptu rides over the past few weekends, so be sure to keep an eye out here and on FB for alerts.