Friday, April 24, 2015

4/25 Saturday Ride

I will be driving back from Missouri Saturday morning, but the group will be heading out at 8:00 along with Andy's Rondonneur Ride. We will not be traveling together this week, but here are the options for the morning:

The SMR will feature 32 miles, heading out Middle Road and over to Mountain and Blanchard, averaging 17-18 mph. There is always the option to break off and add Dutton Hill if people want:

The Randonneurs will travel west to Stroudwater/Westbrook St for a 32-mile loop out in Buxton, at around 13-14 mph:

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Trek Quick-Release Recall

Public Service Announcement. If you have a Trek with disc brakes, get thee hastily to a Trek dealer for a replacement:

Friday, April 17, 2015

4/18 Saturday Ride

This Saturday looks to be a lovely 50° at 8:00, so I think we should go ahead and start at the usual time. I am on vacation, enjoying some actual warm weather (80°), old friends, and mountain biking. That said, I think we should plan on the Freeport loop, giving people the option to expand into Brunswick. Andy will be joining us again this week with the Randonneurs, and they plan to head out the same direction.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

4/11 Saturday Ride

Well, it's supposed to be about 46° at 9:00 on Saturday and it should have stopped raining around midnight, so we should be good to go this week! Andy and I have decided to combine the Saturday ride with the Randonneur ride to share some camaraderie and provide an intro for new riders to both groups .

Andy proposes this flat Yarmouth-Falmouth ride which heads out Middle, and I think that we can split once we get out to Yarmouth or around to Blanchard to offer some rollers and hills for the ride home.

Please feel free to use the comments to offer route options for after Yarmouth. It's still early, so we should try to stay around 35 miles or less.