Thursday, August 28, 2014

8/30 Saturday Ride

It's a long weekend and the weather looks nearly perfect for cycling on Saturday. To celebrate we will head out to Pineland (Ride route). On the way out we are going to use Sligo Rd. The good news is that Sligo was recently resurfaced. The maybe not so good news is that the town/contractor chose a chip seal for the paving job. There has been some interest in how this surface is for cyclists, so we are going to head out that way to check it out first hand.

For those (like me) who need to be back a bit earlier, I am planning to head back to town after Sligo, which should make about a 30 mile trip instead of the 40+ out to Pineland.

The ride will leave at the usual 8:00 from the shop.

Friday, August 22, 2014

8/23 Saturday Ride

This week we will do a split ride that will head up Mountain Rd. and down Blackstrap, with a shorter loop heading back home Blanchard/88 (ride route) and a longer loop heading over Dutton Hill (ride route). I need to be on the shorter loop, so we'll need some help shepherding people on the longer route.

Friday, August 15, 2014

8/16 Saturday Ride

This seems to be the summer of absent leaders. Once again, we are looking at a great day to ride, but Bron and I are both unable to lead. Please leave a comment if you are willing to step up and generally point the group in the right direct.

As fro a route, I was thinking that this route over Dutton Hill via Cumberland would be a good choice (Ride route).

A quick note about these ride route maps. They are currently being made using Garmin's connect website, primarily so that riders with Garmin devices can easily load the maps. However, Garmin seems to have made a change recently where only members of the site can view maps. I'm generally not a huge fan of forcing people to join websites, so I have created a poll to the right. Please check it out and let us know your mapping preferences.

Friday, August 8, 2014

8/9 Saturday Ride

Yeah, ok--I, too, am horrified at how many times I've been unavailable this season, but at least this weekend I can't be faulted: I'm doing the BikeMS event down in Biddeford, and should have 175 miles by the end of Sunday.

That said, it's going to be beautiful, and the MS event will be staying south of the Portland area. All our regular routes should be available, and the road cut outs have all been filled. I'm going to throw out the Freeport Loop for comfort's sake but, well, Cape is going to be gorgeous. Clearly, it's up to the group, so enjoy the ride!

Friday, August 1, 2014

8/2 Saturday Ride

Saturday looks to have rain in the afternoon, but the morning should be fine for riding! Sean and I are unavailable, so Rob has volunteered to be Guest Cat Herder for the day. We'll be heading out toward Pinelands via Rte 231, with temps between 65-70*.

The BikeMS event is next weekend, so I will be tied up for that. We'll need to make a route choice for that day, too, so feel free to leave a suggestion in Comments.