Thursday, August 26, 2010

8/28 Saturday Ride

We're looking for a brave soul to lead the normal ride this week. So, if you're interested, please let me know.

For the longer ride this week, Eric has agreed to lead the group on a route out to Pineland (MapMyRide route).

I didn't get much feedback on the proposed plan for getting ready for the two century rides the first weekend in October, so we'll go forward with the following plan:
Please drop me an email with any comments, questions or complaints.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

8/21 Saturday Ride

This week we make another attempt at heading out in a bit of a new direction and tackling the Mitchell Hill route (MapMyRide route). It's supposed to be a gorgeous morning, so we will plan on having a slightly longer version of the ride that will include a trip down to Prout's neck and around Shore Rd. for those that want to add a few extra miles (MapMyRide route).

If you have any questions about the ride, please drop me an email.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

8/14 Saturday Ride

It looks like another great week for riding. This week the normal route is going to head over through Falmouth (MapMyRide route) and for those of you interested in putting on a few extra miles, we are also going to have a longer ride that will head up toward Gray and over to Yarmouth (MapMyRide route).

If you have any questions about the ride, drop me an email.

Friday, August 6, 2010

8/7 Saturday Ride

This week we will head back through Falmouth and Cumberland (MapMyRide route). There is no formal longer ride this week, but if some people are interested, there are options to branch out on a longer ride by including Dutton Hill, Sligo Rd. etc.

I have been giving some thought to the prospect of putting together a series of longer Saturday rides geared to help prepare people for one of the century rides in early October. The plan is still very much in flux, but I would like to get people's feedback on the following schedule for September's longer routes:
Please drop me an email with any comments, questions or complaints.