Thursday, July 29, 2010

7/31 Saturday Ride

This week we will head out in a bit of a new direction and tackle the Mitchell Hill route (MapMyRide route). It's supposed to be a gorgeous morning, so we will plan on having a slightly longer version of the ride that will include a trip down to Prout's neck and around Shore Rd. for those that want to add a few extra miles (MapMyRide route).

If you have any questions about the ride, please drop me an email.


We wound up changing the route at the last minute. For those of you that use the blog to keep track of ride options in the area, we went over to Cumberland, headed up toward Gray, hopped over toward Pineland and then headed back into Portland (MapMyRide route).

Thursday, July 22, 2010

7/24 Saturday Ride

This week we are going to head out toward Freeport (MapMyRide route). Depending on how the group feels, we may offer the option to split the group when we hit S. Freeport Rd, with those looking for a longer ride heading up toward Brunswick.

If you have any questions about the ride, please feel free to email me.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

7/17 Saturday Ride

After a few weeks off, we will head back over toward Falmouth this week and take a jaunt up Mountain Rd. From there, I think we will head over to Cumberland and possibly even Yarmouth (MapMyRide route), but depending on the interest of the group we may make things a bit longer or shorter.

As we move toward August, there has been some suggestion of starting another series of training rides for the folks interested in riding either the Dempsey or the Cadillac challenge. But, we would really like your input on whether there would be interest in a more structured series of rides, so PLEASE, drop me an email or post some comments on whether you would be interested and if so, which event you would like to tackle.

Friday, July 9, 2010

7/10 Saturday Ride

The weather looks a bit questionable for this Saturday. If it's a little wet, we'll plan to head out. But, if there's thunder or lightening in the area, we'll call things off.

If the weather cooperates and we get to head out, we'll be doing a new route with a bunch of familiar sections through Falmouth and Cumberland (MapMyRide route). After a few weeks of generally flat rides, this route adds some hills back into the routine.

If you are new to the ride or have any questions, please feel free to email me.