Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Black Friday Turkey Burner!

Our day of turkey excess over, we need to help ourselves feel better about it by burning some of it off!

We'll start out in Westbrook so we can get out to Limington. The meet-up spot is actually a block away from the one on the ride map: look for the small parking lot on the river across from Hub Furniture.

Start time will be 10:00, so we can make sure we don’t miss any of the warm bits of the day. I don’t have a bunny wrangler as yet, but am hoping someone will raise a hand before the pie’s all gone. See you at 10:00.

Friday, November 8, 2024

11/9 Saturday Ride

It's looking a little breezy and cool tomorrow, so let's try something a little shorter, heading into the wind to start with a tailwind home. It also seems a good day to start the ride at noon, since there won't be many warm hours.

The Freeport loop (35 miles) should do the trick, and I added a reversed option, just for interest--you can pick forward or backwards.

Please click the  I'm in  button so no one shows up alone. Wheels roll at 12:00

Friday, November 1, 2024

11/2 Saturday Ride

I am still limited, friends, but that shouldn't get in the way of a nice ride! 

Bruce has volunteered as Bunny Herder for tomorrow, and he'd like to go out to Salmon Falls. This is a 50-mile course (updated since this icon was made). We'll let the sun rise a bit, so it's a 9:00 start. No Strava map on this one, so please share the route with me afterwards so I can save it.

Please hit the Strava  I'm In  button so he knows he has company!

Friday, October 18, 2024

10/19 Saturday Ride

Regrettably, I am still limited in my riding, but Theresa has volunteered as Bunny Wrangler again, and she has some requirements:

  • 9:00 start, when it's going to be a balmy 50°
  • Coastal and pretty
So the loose idea is to head in the general direction of Freeport/South Brunswick, turn back maybe on Highland, and take side-trips along the way to enjoy the color (Princess Point and Little John on the way home, etc).

I am jealous and sad for the lovely ride I will miss!

Brunswick Options Map

Wild Oats 66
Strava | Garmin

Little Dog 64
Strava | Garmin

Maquoit Rd 57
Strava | Garmin

Highland Rd 51
Strava | Garmin

Freeport 34

Strava | Garmin

Friday, October 11, 2024

10/12 Saturday Ride

Merrymeeting Metric Century

It's October and the light is fading, so it's time to take advantage of our weekend event rides! This week it's the lovely Merrymeeting Metric, starting at leaving from Flight Deck Brewery in Brunswick. It looks like the temps will hover just under 60° for the duration, with a fair breeze, so dress appropriately. Wheels roll at 9:00.

For any who can't commit to that ride, but courses from last week are still available. I, however, will not be available to join.

Strava | Garmin

Friday, October 4, 2024

10/5 Saturday Ride

This is Cadillac Challenge weekend, friends; if you haven't done this ride, you owe it to yourself—it's the prettiest century in Maine. 

Unfortunately, I will have to miss this year's edition (first time in 15 years) so will select a ride for tomorrow. I got a little knee issue going on and I need a route I can easily bail from, so we're going to start the ride pointed at my house! I will offer two (a 35 and a 47 miler [50, if you circle Back Cove]) and we can select in the morning. 

Given the overnight rain, let's move the ride back to a 9:00 start.

Friday, September 27, 2024

9/28 Saturday Ride

I am out of town this weekend to play a little rugby, but Theresa has graciously volunteered to step in to lead. But you know what that means: Theresa likes hills!

The route will be Hilly Pineland-Hodgdon (it's actually 53 miles--this is an old map), but the good news is the hills are front-loaded so, by the time you're refilling your bottles at Pinelands, most of the work will be over and you can enjoy the ride home!

Cool temps and light winds should make for a great day—wheels roll at 8:00.

Friday, September 20, 2024

9/21 Saturday Ride

I will be working with the Dempsey Challenge folks tomorrow, but will leave this course for the morning.

Wheels roll at 8:00.

Friday, September 13, 2024

9/14 Saturday Ride

We've gone south and west the last few weeks so it's time to head north again. 

Our ride will be the Roads Less Traveled 58 miler, which takes us out past Pinelands (NO Long Hill or Depot Rd) and along the pretty North Pownal Road. If you want to make it shorter, you can cut across North Road from Pinelands for 40 miles.

Saturday looks like it's going to be just about perfect, so I'll see you at 8:00

PS: CBBC is doing a metric- and full century tomorrow, starting in Biddeford, leaving at 7:30. It's probably a bit late to commit to now, but have a look--this might be something we can do in the future if we have the interest. CBBC York County Century

Friday, September 6, 2024

9/7 Saturday Ride

Well now--it seems to be someone's birthday again (funny how those seem to happen like clockwork) and she needs to log 63 miles this year. The tourists are gone, so I've made some modifications to the Old Orchard Beach route. You can choose the standard 51-mile course, or cross the river and add on a 12-mile loop to Fortune's Rocks. 

The weather looks seasonable, so we'll see you at 8:00.


Friday, August 30, 2024

8/31 Saturday Ride

Let's ride bikes!

It's going to be overcast and a little cool, but just right for riding. If you're short on time, you can cut off that northwest section and just head out Gonneville Road.

Wheels roll at 8:00.

Friday, August 23, 2024

8/24 Saturday Ride

It's been a really long week and my brain is fried, so I'll leave these here and we can choose in the morning. See you at 8:00.

Brunswick Options Map

Wild Oats 66
Strava | Garmin

Little Dog 64
Strava | Garmin

Maquoit Rd 57
Strava | Garmin

Highland Rd 51
Strava | Garmin

Freeport 34

Strava | Garmin

Gorham Bonney Eagle 54

